- get a firm foothold; stand firm; take a firm stand 站穩腳跟
- She took a firm stand on nuclear disarmament. 她在核裁軍的問題上態度很堅決。
- They took a firm stand against drugs in the school. 他們堅決反對校園吸毒現象。
- She took a firm stand on nuclear disarmament . 她在核裁軍的問題上態度很堅決。
- The government decided to take a firm stand on admitting more foreigners to do business in the country. 政府決策採取堅定的立場,更多的外國人入境做買賣。
- Take a firm stand against putting expediency above principle;bluff ahead of facts. 堅持不讓權宜之計取代固有原則,不讓浮誇掩蓋事實。
- Take a firm stand against putting expediency above principle; bluff ahead of facts. 堅持不讓權宜之計取代固有原則,不讓浮誇掩蓋事實。
- But if anyone persists in using violence against us,tries to bully us and resorts to repression,the Communist Party will have to take a firm stand. 但是,任何方面的橫逆如果一定要來,如果欺人太甚,如果實行壓迫,那末,共產黨就必須用嚴正的態度對待之。
- Sure, the Uighurs are our brothers, and it is encouraging to see Ankara take a firm stand on their long-documented suffering.But who will watch out for the Sudanese and Iranians? 文章末段對土耳其人的「堅定立場」表示肯定,稱這是「鼓舞人心的」,又強調一句「誰將會留意蘇丹和伊朗人」來表明自己偽善的人道主義立場。
- To take a firm stand. 採取堅定的立場
- Take a firm grasp of the handle and pull. 力量; 權力; 支配; 控制
- The government last night took a firm stand against a powerful group of strikers to preserve the social order. 政府昨夜對一群強硬的罷工者採取了堅決的態度,以維持社會秩序。
- Tryon Edwards took a firm stand, saying that 「if you would thoroughly know anything, teach it to others. 這一段舉孔子的例子立意很好,但是最後一句話有邏輯問題.;孔子的學生問了很多問題,促使他再三思考。
- be steadfast in one's stand; take a firm stand 立場堅定
- We need to take a firm line on tobacco advertising. 我們需要對煙草广告採取強硬的態度。
- I take a firm grasp on the rope from slipping. 我緊握住繩子不讓它滑掉。
- He take a firm attitude to this affaire. 他對這件事採取堅定的態度。
- Now let's just take a firm grip on ourselves, I know the car's stuck in the mud, but we should be able to get it out again. 我們大家都得剋制自己一下,我知道車子陷到泥里去了,但我們可以把它弄出來的。
- She took a firm attitude towards birth control. 她對計劃生育的態度十分堅定。
- Take a strong pro-life position: to take a firm stand in supporting life 採取堅決支持生命的立場