- She stood alone on the enormous stage. 她孤零零地站在巨大的舞台上。
- And in this I do not think that I stand alone. 我也相信,出洋相者並非我一人。
- Unfortunately, Sun' s case does not stand alone. 不幸的是,這種事件並不只是發生在孫女士身上。
- Unfortunately, sun. s case does not stand alone. 不幸的是,這種事件並不只是發生在孫女士身上。
- How many training venues will be used for the 29 th Olympic Games in Beijing? 29屆奧運會北京將使用多少訓練場地?
- Write summary descriptions that stand alone. 寫概述應該獨立。
- Stand alone, night night so sleepless! 孤獨唯有我,夜夜難入眠!
- There comes a time when you must stand alone. 有一段時間你必須孤獨地一個人站立。
- And even more I revere them when they stand alone. 當它們隻身獨立時,我更尊敬它們。
- Smile and the world smiles with you, fart and you stand alone. 微笑,世界和你一起微笑;放屁,你獨自站在一邊。
- Their training venue shouldn't have been like this. 她們的訓練場地不應該是這樣的吧。
- Some of the statues stand alone, while others are grouped. 這些塑像有單個的,也有成群的。
- Only reefs stand alone immutably on the beach after a typhoon. 颱風過後,海灘上只有那些礁石巋然獨存。
- These islands are too small to stand alone as independent states. 這些島嶼太小,不能算是獨立的國家。
- Shuttles will be provided between IBC/MPC and the training venues in accordance with the "open to media" training schedule and 24-hour reservation in advance is required so that shuttles will be delivered to the media as needed. 針對對媒體開放的訓練,媒體需提前24小時預約,才能享受IBC/MPC至訓練場館間的班車服務。
- The pagoda stands alone on the top of the hill. 那寶塔孤零零地坐落在山頂上。
- They can either be part of a Web site, or they can stand alone. 網頁可以是網站的一部分,也可以獨立存在。
- We need courage to stand alone when we have to Allen fighting! 請不要擔心我們都需要勇氣!
- Once it becomes strong enough to stand alone, it might discard us. 一旦它強大得足以自立的時候,它可能就會拋棄我們。
- Traveling in the desert, he met a woman standing alone and terribly dejected. 在沙漠旅行時他遇見了一個女人,她孤獨地站著,非常沮喪。