- China has mounted the stage of world sport in all its sectors and joined the front ranks of sports internationally. 中國已全面登上世界體育舞台,運動技術水平位居世界前列。
- Few races have played a more significant role on the stage of world history than the Irish. 少有一個民族像愛爾蘭人一樣在世界歷史的舞台上佔有如此特殊的角色。
- The so-called Jade Culture, originated from the early stage of Neo-lithic Period, sets itself apart from any cultures from the rest of world. 發軔於新石器時代早期而綿延至今的「玉文化」是中國文化有別於世界其他文明的顯著特點。
- Geneva has become the stage for many meetings of world leaders. 日內瓦已成為世界領袖經常召開會議的地方。
- Who was Lilli, and how did she transcend borders, languages and generations to become every soldier's sweetheart? Her story begins in 1915, in the early stage of World War I. 麗莉是誰,她又是怎麼超越國家、語言和年齡的界限而成為每個士兵的心上人的呢?她的故事開始於1915年,第一次世界大戰早期。
- Go up since 70 time last stage of world, american army is using high-definition and emissary satellite all the time, the head that can read a newspaper even. 上世界70年代末以來,美國軍方一直在使用高清間諜衛星,甚至能夠看清蘇聯紅場上一份報紙的頭條。
- She did the first stage of the trip by train. 她行程的第一段是乘火車的。
- He quitted the stage of politics. 他退出了政治舞台。
- The society was dedicated to furthering the cause of world peace. 該協會致力於推動世界和平事業。
- One should do his best for the cause of world peace. 一個人應該為世界和平事業盡最大努力。
- They set out on the last stage of their journey. 他們開始了旅行的最後一程。
- BEIJING (AP) -- Beijing capped its six-week run as the center of world sports, ushering out theParalympic Gameson Wednesday with a lavish closing ceremony. 過去六個星期世界體育的中心----北京,在星期三以闊氣的閉幕式為殘奧會畫上了句號。
- Encyclopedia of world sport: from ancient times to the present 世界運動百科全書
- Environmental justice is a frontier problem in environmental ethics, whose appearance marks a new stage of world environmental protection movement and a transfer of environmental ethics. 摘要環境正義是環境倫理學中的前沿問題,它的凸現標誌著世界環境保護運動進入了一個新的發展階段,也標誌著環境倫理學的轉向。
- Milutinovic was busying to prepare the training for China national soccer team in world cup, at that moment, all China are not optimized our team can attend the final stage of world cup. 當時,中國人都不看好我們的國家隊能參加世界盃的決賽,一些球員和記者問他,「如果我們在下一場輸掉了比賽,您的遊戲就會結束,您有什麼想法?」
- Following the embryonic stage of development. 胚胎後期的在胚胎髮育期之後的
- The tournament added a brilliant page to the annals of world table-tennis. 這次比賽給世界乒乓球史增添了光輝的一頁。
- In the last stage of the race, her tiredness began to tell on her. 在賽跑的衝刺階段,她開始顯得筋疲力盡了。
- He was committed to the cause of world peace. 他獻身於謀求世界和平的事業。
- It is one of the most recognizable symbols in world sport. 作為世界體育運動的一個象徵,它備受世人矚目。