- Travel of staff on official business; 工作人員出差旅費;工作人員公務旅行;
- If you are away on official business, please call by. 如你出差,一定要順便來玩玩。
- He went to Italy on official business. 他因公去義大利。
- If you are away on official business,please call by. 如你出差,一定要順便來玩玩。
- Mandelson is in Paris on Tuesday morning on official business. 星期二的上午,曼德爾森由於公務到達巴黎。
- On the following Sunday Nadiensky was due to visit Hawich on official business. 下一個星期日,納齊恩斯基將到哈里奇出差。
- As father always travelled on official business, my brother became the mainstay of the family. 爸爸長年出差在外,哥哥就成了家裡扛大樑的人。
- The work pressure high, travels on official business frequently, hoped that may have can pour out the girlfriend who in the heart thinks ponders. 工作壓力大;經常出差;希望可以有能夠傾訴心中所思所慮的女友.
- In decorating a process, encounter difference of old be away on official business to come back dissatisfactory when, have what change! 在裝修過程中,碰到老公出差回來不滿足時,有則改之!
- Be away on official business in England, discover almost all hotel decorate the appearance before resembling country ten years, TV still is more very 14 inches. 在英國出差,發現幾乎所有旅館的裝修都像國內十幾年前的樣子,電視很多還是14英寸的。
- Considered will travel on official business inconveniently in outside to tomorrow promptly goes home sends,Therefore publishes in the same day heart joy especially ahead of time. 考慮到明天出差在外不便及時回家發,所以特提前發表一下當日心中的喜悅。
- Several days need to go to (a county level city which Fujian's Nan'an city Quanzhou has jurisdiction) to travel on official business, if have the opportunity, we may meet chat. 過幾天要去福建的南安市(泉州市管轄的一個縣級市)出差,如果有機會,我們可以見面多聊聊。
- This person in halfway makes a telephone call to the company, because be away on official business,say time is long, psychological pressure too gist abdication. 半途中這個人給公司打來電話,說由於出差時間長,心理壓力太大要辭職。
- The manager urged his staff on(to greater efforts). 經理督促職員更加努力.
- He joins the staff on my invitation. 他是應我邀請加入這個班子來工作的。
- "I think there are a few things you should know," Detective Phillips said. "On the night he left you, he went to the hospital. When he came out he got into an argument with a police captain who had come to the hospital on official business. 「我想有些事情得讓你知道一下,」偵探費力普斯說,「那天晚上他離開你之後就到醫院去了,他剛從醫院裡出來,就與一個警官發生爭執。
- It was a place impossible to enter except on official business, and then only by penetrating through a maze of barbed-wire entanglements, steel doors, and hidden machine-gun nests. 除非公幹,誰也別想進去; 即便進得去,也必得先穿過迷宮似的鐵絲網、鐵門,外加隱蔽的機槍掩體。
- I find that the staff on some airlines can be very unhelpful. 我覺得某些航線上的機組人員服務不是很好。
- During unit of choose and employ persons still ought to assume worker hospitalization the 2/3 of board expense, the food allowance standard that is away on official business by local on business undertakes disbursement. 用人單位還應當承擔職工住院治療期間伙食費的2/3,按當地因公出差的伙食補助標準進行支付。
- The manager compliments the staff on their efficient service. 經理對員工的高效服務表示稱讚。