- He blew two or three loud notes on his bugle. 他吹了兩三聲喇叭。
- His son is a soldier in a cavalry regiment. 他的兒子是騎兵團的一名戰士。
- I am a soldier of the fourth cavalry. 我是第四騎兵部隊的一員。
- A loud bugle aroused everyone from sleep. 嘹亮的號聲將每個人從睡夢中喚醒。
- The cavalry is extremely majestic-looking. 這支騎兵部隊非常威風凜凜。
- A bugle call came round for us to fall in. 軍號聲傳來,要我們排隊集合。
- The evils ensue from lack of a stable government. 這些弊病是由於缺乏一個穩定的政府而引起的。
- He was an officer in the cavalry. 他曾是騎兵軍官。
- The horse in the stable has broken out. 馬廄里的那匹馬跑了。
- He is a man of stable character. 他是一個穩重可靠的人。
- A signal by bugle or drum for troops to come together in formation. 集合號,集合鼓部隊集結時以吹號或擊鼓發出的信號
- The black horse is one of Mr. King's stable. 那匹黑馬是金先生的賽馬之一。
- That country is politically stable. 該國政治上穩定。
- He has a whole stable of informers working for him. 他有一群告密者為他效勞。
- There were six stalls for horses in the stable. 馬廄里有六個欄。
- A stable, corrosion-resistant zirconium alloy. 鋯合金一種穩定而防腐蝕的鋯合金
- He roused up from sleep when the bugle sounded. 號聲響時,他從睡夢中驚醒。
- The soldiers sprang up when they heard the bugle. 戰士們聽到號聲一躍而起。
- Mentally stable; sensible or sound. 思想穩健的; 頭腦明智的或清醒的
- Sonorous bugle aroused everyone from sleep. 嘹亮的號聲將每個人從睡夢中喚醒。