The squire can win a number of points as he represents the team for all contests on foot including archery and armoured foot combat. 護衛代表小組參加徒步搏擊的所有項目,包括箭術和身著盔甲的徒步對抗賽,也有機會為小組奪分。
A young squire won his spurs in battle. 一年輕隨從因作戰英勇而獲得騎士稱號。
The squire was hard at work at Bristol. 鄉紳在布里斯托爾熱衷於他的工作。
What the squire said is absolutely nonsense! 這個鄉紳的話純屬一派胡言!
There was no real squire in the village. 這個村子沒有真正的大地主。