- This strain of wheat can grow during a cold spring. 這種小麥可以在寒冷的春天生長。
- He larded the duck with pig fat to make it tasty. 他給鴨肉加了點豬油使它美味可口。
- He made a real pig of himself at the restaurant. 他在餐廳里大吃大喝,真丟臉。
- I have been a male chauvinist pig, I admit it. 我承認我是個大男子主義者。
- That pig will weight4 score, dead weight. 那隻豬重80磅,宰掉后的凈重。
- We look forward to the return of spring. 我們期待著春天的到來。
- An ill marriage is a spring of ill fortune. 不良的婚姻是惡運的來源。
- Pig iron used as permanent ballast. 壓載鐵做為永久性壓艙物的生鐵
- They use prison as guinea pig to test drug. 他們用罪犯來試驗藥品。
- I am interested in the ten-week trip next spring. 我對明年春天為期10周的旅行感興趣。
- The pig was routing for nuts under the tree. 豬在樹下用鼻子拱地覓堅果。
- Spring in East China usually sets in about March. 華東的春天一般約在三月開始。
- The days are drawing out now that it's spring. 春天到來,白晝越來越長了。
- He prodded at the pig with his walking-stick. 他用手杖推那口豬。
- Arrive in summer exactly after spring. 春季以後就是夏季來臨。
- It feels like spring festival already! 感覺好像春節已經到了似的!
- The child makes a pig of himself at dinner and now feel very sick. 那孩子在晚餐時吃得太多,現在感到很不舒服。
- We plant trees and flowers in spring. 我們在春天種花種樹。
- Spring rains bring summer flowers. 春雨帶來了夏日百花。
- The snout of the pig you drew on the picture is too long. 這幅畫上你畫的豬鼻子太長了。