- We also should not spread rumors. 我們也不應該散播謠言。
- It is immoral, and even illegal to spread rumors. 播散謠言是不道德的,甚至是違法的。
- Secret enemies will be eager to spread rumors about you. 白羊座:暗處的敵人將迫切地到處傳播你的謠言。
- Those who spread rumors have been discredited and severely criticized. 一些散布謠言的人受到狠狠地批斥。
- Stacy is spreading rumors about me again. 史黛西又在散播我的謠言了。
- Don't blacken my name by spreading rumors. 不要散播流言,破壞我的名譽。
- Well, you know those tabloids. A lot of their news comes from unreliable sources, and they sometimes spread rumors deliberately. 這個嘛,你也了解那些小報。他們許多新聞的來源都令人懷疑,而且有時還會刻意散播謠言。
- Belenko: Oh, yes. But what the establishment did was spread rumors that I was killed in an automobile accident with the hint that they had arranged it. 哦,是的。但是該機構散播謠言說我死於車禍並且暗示是他們乾的。
- Thai police arrested two people on suspicion of using the Internet to spread rumors about the health of the country's 81-year-old king that sent stock prices tumbling last month. 泰國警方逮捕了兩名嫌疑犯,他們涉嫌利用互聯網散布有關81歲泰國國王健康狀況的謠言。上個月,受謠言的影響,泰國股市大跌。
- The netizen was detained for spreading rumor on the Internet. 那位網民因在網路上散播謠言而被拘留。
- Everyone likes to be promoted, that's perfectly understandable.But David is trying to get that promotion by hook or by crook;he even spread rumors smearing the other candidates.This is awful! 這個人說:「每個人都想被提升,這是完全可以理解的.但是,戴維德為了這次能夠被提升正在千方百計地想辦法.他甚至散布謠言,誣衊其他可能被提升的人.這太不像話了。」
- A pride parade is planned for September 30, with a collective same-sex wedding ceremony immediately following.Local Christian groups have spread rumors that the city is sponsoring the nuptials. 晶晶書庫負責人賴正哲認為,同志也是有納稅的公民,市府的錢就是同志的錢,同志用自己的錢辦活動並沒有任何問題,而未來就算市府不給經費,同志還是會自籌經費舉動活動。
- He was about to upbraid his brother for spreading rumors, but caught himself when he saw P'eng-t'u's wife was present. 他本要罵鵬圖好搬是非,但當著鵬圖太太的面,所以沒講出來。
- Spreading rumors so far from true. -Dragged up from the underworld, just like some precious pearl. 謠言傳得將事實拉開很遠。-從地獄拉出來,像那些寶貴的珍珠。
- They are gossip-mongers, making stories and spreading rumors, making you feel annoyed and upset. 先是烏鴉叫,後來喜鵲噪,一會一變臉,令你心煩鬧。
- Because I don't sit around trashing people or spreading rumors, I presumed I didn't gossip much. 因為我不會坐下來扯別人,或散布謠言,所以我認為自己說的閑話不是很多。
- Despite persistent denials, the rumor continued to spread. 儘管一再否認,謠言還是不脛而走。
- John vamped up a few rumors to discredit his enemy. 約翰編造一些謠言去中傷他的敵人。
- Spreading rumors about the wrongdoings of others is a wrongdoing in itself. When the harm done has reached the extreme, misfortunes will surely follow. 宣揚別人惡,是件惡事。做多了,當傷害達到了極處,災禍就跟著降臨了。
- seize the opportunity to spread rumors 乘機造謠