- She is tired of being in the spotlight. 她厭倦到處拋頭露面。
- The report has spotlighted real deprivation in the inner cities. 這篇報道披露了舊城區的貧困真相。
- This footballer is a sportsman who likes to be in the spotlight. 這個足球運動員是個愛出風頭的運動員。
- A spotlight threw a pool of violet light on the stage. 聚光燈在舞台上灑下一團紫光。
- He likes to be in the spotlight. 他喜歡出風頭。
- She's being spotlighted by the newspapers. 她現在成了記者追逐的對象。
- The paintings were spotlighted from below. 這些畫用下面的聚光燈來照明。
- The dazzle of the spotlight make him ill at ease. 聚光燈的耀眼強光使他局促不安。
- The stage is lit by several spotlight. 舞台被幾盞聚光燈照后了。
- They spotlighted some problem areas in particular. 它們具體指出了該領域的一些問題。
- But the spotlight was outside the Assembly hall. 但是,人們的注意焦點卻集中在大會會場之外。
- At night the baseball field is spotlighted. 夜裡棒球場被聚光燈照得通明。
- The spotlight fell on the actress. 聚光燈把光集中打到女演員身上
- He wanted to be in [to hold] the spotlight. 他想成為眾所矚目的中心。
- The spotlight faded and the house lights came up. 聚光燈漸漸熄滅,觀眾席的燈亮了。
- Unemployment is once again in the spotlight. 失業問題再次受到人們的關注。
- This week the spotlight is on the world of fashion. 本周引人矚目的是時裝界。
- You're going to be in the spotlight. 你即將為眾所矚目。
- Steve rose from obscurity to be the spotlight. 從默默無聞,變成家喻戶曉。
- The spotlight followed her round the stage. 聚光燈跟著她在舞台上轉。