- The dog kept a vigilant guard over the house. 這隻狗警惕地守護著這所房屋。
- He urged them to guard against conceit. 他要求他們防止驕傲自滿。
- A shell splinter embedded itself in the wall above his head. 在他頭上方的牆壁上嵌有一塊小小的貝殼片。
- The windscreen cracked but didnot splinter. 擋風玻璃裂了,但沒碎。
- He bribed his way past the guard and escaped. 他買通看守而逃之夭夭了。
- I was off my guard and made no suitable reply. 我沒提防,因此沒有作出適當的回答。
- The guard of honor headed up the whole parade. 儀仗隊走在遊行隊伍的最前頭。
- Please guard against pickpockets on the bus. 在公共汽車上要謹防扒手。
- The soldier volunteered for guard duty. 那個戰士自告奮勇去站崗。
- The extremists have formed a splinter group outside the main party. 那些極端主義者在大黨外已組成了分裂出來的小派別。
- The guard had orders to shoot on sight. 哨兵奉命見人就開槍。
- I got a splinter in my finger while I was moving the boxes. 我在搬箱子的時候手指頭上扎了一根刺。
- Be on your guard, I conjure you. 千萬要警惕呀,我懇求你。
- Four soldiers stood guard over the coffin. 四個士兵守衛靈柩。
- The guard should be watchful during the night. 警衛在黑夜裡也應該警醒。
- The guard was killed with a high-powered rifle. 那衛兵被殺傷力大的火槍擊斃了。
- The train robbers coshed the guard. 搶劫列車的匪徒用短棍襲擊列車長。
- An incision was made into his hand to take out the splinter. 他手上切開了一個口子以便取出那根刺。
- Be on guard when somebody flatters you. 有人奉承你時,一定要當心。
- While danger threatens we must all be on guard. 危險正逼近,我們必須保持警惕。