- spend one's entire fortune 花光所有的錢
- I think I shall invest my entire fortune in e new car. 我想我應用我所有的錢來買一部新車。
- The old man gave his entire fortune away,and went to live in China. 老人把他所有財產送給了他人,到中國定居。
- Qualified students from JUFE spend one year at NYIT, they'll recieve both JUFE's and NYIT's bachelor degree. 項目簡介:達到入學條件的大三學生到紐約理工大學學習一年;可獲我校及對方學校的學士學位.
- We shall spend one and a half hour at that beautiful seashore. 我們將在美麗的海濱呆上大約一個半小時。
- Why not admit that one"s entire personal life may sink largely below the threshold of consciousness and yet proceed sanely and smoothly? 何不承認整個人生都潛伏在意識閥值之下但卻又正常暢順地運作?(好比一天24小時不停地呼吸但很少在意一呼一吸)
- It is possible for me to spend one hour finishing the job. 我花費一個小時去完成那項工作是有可能的。
- One measure of China's soaring economic growth has been the attention-grabbing fact that it adds new power generating capacity each year equal to the UK's entire electricity grid. 衡量中國經濟突飛猛漲的一個指標,一直是這樣一個令人矚目的事實:中國每年新增裝機容量相當於英國的整個電網。
- We're planning to spend one month touring around South Africa. 我們計劃去南非旅行一個月。
- The students with JUFE's bachelor degree spend one year on master degree program at Coventry Unviersity,they'll receive a master degree from the university. 歷年出國學生:截至2009-2-280:36:46,國際學院學生到英國考文垂大學4+1碩士項目留學人數共為2人,列表如下:
- Human freedom is the unifying thread of Sartre』s entire ethical theories. 人的自由理論是薩特倫理學全部理論的主線。
- I spend one hour to study the basic method. I think I can do the best. 小時去熟練溜冰的基本方法。我覺得自己在運動方面還是挺好的!
- In 2006, he pledged to give away almost his entire fortune to charities, primarily the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. 2006年,他承諾將把自己大部分財富捐贈給慈善事業,首先捐贈了一部分給比爾美琳達基金會。
- He spent one week jetting around the country. 他花了一周時間乘噴氣飛機在全國旅行。
- They decide to spend one day more to visit all the places of interests. 他們決定多花一天時間去遊覽所有的名勝古迹。
- There is only one succuss that is to spend one's life in one's own way. 2隻有一種成功,那就是能夠用自己的方式度過自己的一生。
- Ex: I spent one hour watching the TV program. 我花了一小時的時間看電視節目。
- MacPherson struts up front and an independent rear suspension in the back helped to keep the MKS's entire 4,276 pounds well behaved during such activities. 麥花臣支柱前鋒和一個獨立的后懸挂在回到有助於維持MKS的整個4276英鎊不乖在這樣的活動。
- Mother spends one hour dinner every day. 媽媽每天花一個小時煮晚餐。
- The policeman had to spend one month in training before being allowed to rejoin his unit. 這名警察在重返警隊前需要接受一個月的培訓。