A portion of a program that carries out a specific function and may be used alone or combined with other modules of the same program. 程序塊執行特殊功能的程序部分,該部分可以單獨使用也可與同一程序的其它部件結合使用
A distinct bodily mass or organ having a specific function. 器官具有某一功能的明顯的身體部位或器官
An improper term to be avoided. This term is sometimes used to designate a logic element which performs a specific function or provides a linkage between variables. 這是一個應該避免使用的非正式術語。該術語有時用於一種邏輯元件,這種邏輯元件可以實現特定的功能或在變數之間提供鏈接。
An entire apparatus or the equipment that performs a specific function. 裝置,設備實行特定功能的整個儀器或設備