- Most school-leavers should take an aptitude test. 大多數中學畢業生都應參加能力傾向測試。
- She had to take/do/sit an aptitude test before she got the joB. 她必須先進行入職考試然後才能得到這份工作。
- An aptitude test has a formal, structured procedure. 能力傾向測試有一個正式的結構化的程序。
- Allocation is based on parental choice and internal school assessments scaled by a centrally-administered Academic Aptitude Test. 這個辦法是根據家長的意願,以及學生經過中央統籌的學能測驗所調整的校內成績作出分配。
- He applies for a janitor's job at a large firm and easily passes an aptitude test. 他在一家大的公司申請看門的工作並很快通過了能力測驗.
- John disregard Aptitude Test results from the accounting profession decided to go professional psychology. 約翰不顧能力傾向測試的結果,還是決定由會計專業轉到心理學專業。
- Every year in America, high-school students who want to go on to college take a national examination called the Scholastic Aptitude Test, or SAT. 每一年,在美國想要繼續上大學的高中生,要參加一項叫做學術性向測驗的全國性考試。
- The federal government has a test called the General Aptitude Test Battery,or GATB . whites tend to answer more of the questions correctly. 聯邦政府已要求測試一般能力傾向測驗,或GATB 。白人往往回答更多的問題,正確的。
- Therefore, we think about conceiving new evaluation system, including skill test, written test, method and aptitude test and performance evaluation. 對此,就構建高中物理新課程畢業評價體系作出了比較全面的思考,包括技能考核、紙筆測驗、方法與能力考核、表現評價等。
- He also noted that "even a small decline in an IQ score is likely to be reflected in aptitude test scores such as the SAT. 他還指出, "即使是一個小小的下降,智商分數很可能會反映在性向測驗分數,如坐" 。
- We offer a free aptitude test and will send you a copy of our brochure describing our recognized home-study courses on the basis of one-on-one training. 我們提供了一項免費測試並會發給你一本描述經過我們驗證的基於一對一培訓在家學習課程的宣傳冊的複印本。
- In 2006, the average white student scored 1063, out of 1600 on the Scholastic Aptitude Test, which is widely used for university admissions.The average black score was just 863. 在2006年,總分為1600分的本科大學入學考試,白人學生的平均分數是1063,而黑人學生的平均分數僅為863分。
- A verbal aptitude test. 文字理解程度的性向測試
- The Scholastic Aptitude Test measures one's mathematical ability and use of the English language. Traditionally, the English portion involved grammatical questions and paragraphs that test reading comprehension. 學術性向測驗是測量一個人的數學能力和英文的使用,傳統地,英文測試的部份包含了文法問題和段落閱讀理解力。
- What aptitude tests have you taken and what were the results?(Please give dates). 您在何時接受過怎樣的測評,成績為何?(請註明日期)
- Chong remembers passing his physical, written and aptitude tests with high scores. 他記得他的體能測驗、試及性向測驗都拿到高分。
- What aptitude tests have you taken and what were the results?(Please give dates). 您在何時接受過怎樣的測評,成績為何?(請註明日期)
- The Japan Kanji Aptitude Testing Foundation has been conducting a poll on the year's kanji each year since 1995. 日本漢字能力鑒定協會從1995年開始,每年都會評選日語中的年度漢字。
- MCZ100 Model Motorcycle Auto Pilot is an aptitude test bench what is designed and empoldered according to the technique request of the nation standard and the occident attestation rule. MCZ100型摩托車自動駕駛儀是按照國家標準及歐美認證法規的技術要求,獨立設計開發的全新智能測試系統。
- Abstract: This research tries to select the Curatorial Salesmen in a medicine factory with the personality test, General Aptitude Test Battery and the draw test and the calligraphy analysis. 摘 要: 嘗試對一製藥廠銷售人員進行心理選拔,使用了人格測驗、職業能力測驗、繪人測驗、自我測驗和筆跡分析。