- Therefore, when we straighten out one s thinking, we must try to solve some practical problems, thus eliminating the material root-causes of the ideological problems. 所以,解決思想問題必須與解決實際問題結合起來,從根源上解決產生思想問題的物質基礎問題。
- No one dared to speak out against the injustice. 沒人敢對不公正行為表示公開反對。
- He was the only one to speak out against the closure of the hospital. 只有他一人直言不諱地表示反對關閉醫院。
- I checked out one million dollars. 我開支票提出一百萬美元。
- Don't stand humming and hawing, but speak out. 有話痛痛快快說出來,不要吞吞吐吐的。
- One 's words reflect one 's think. 言為心聲。
- The lights went out one after another. 電燈一個接一個滅了。
- The teacher asked her to speak out. 教師要她說得響一些。
- He weed out one by one the book he do not want. 他把不想要的書一本一本丟掉。
- I'd rather not speak out what I think. 我寧願不說出自己的想法。
- He weeded out one by one the books he didn't want. 他把不想要的書一本一本丟掉。
- If he refused to speak out the truth, thrash it out. 他若拒絕講出實情,就打字實情。
- Will no one speak out against him? 難道誰也不敢站出來反對他嗎?
- I'm going to speak out against the committee's decision. 我打算大膽地說出反對委員會決定的意見。
- Max Scheler』s thought is wide and profound, . 他的思想宏富而且深刻,敏銳富有洞察力。
- The newspapers are afraid to speak out against the government. 報界不敢大膽地講出反對政府的話。
- Many conservatives in the early 1900's thought impressionistic art was decadent. 20世紀初,許多保守主義者認為印象派的藝術是頹廢的。
- YOYO: OK. no problem. let's think together. YOYO:好哈- 沒問題- 那我們一起想想看.
- I just want to wash out one or two rags. 我正想洗出一兩塊抹布。
- He was the only one to speak out against the decision. 只有他站出來反對那項決定。