arranged with spaces between; often used as a combining form;
"widely spaced eyes"
Depress the space bar on a typewriter. 按下打字機上的空格鍵
Our tents were irregularly spaced out on the leeside of the hill. 我們的帳篷不規則地散布在小山背風的一面。
The process of inserting meaningless characters, such as null characters, zeros, or spaces, into the unused portions of a field, record, or fixed- length block of data. 一種插入一些無意義字元的處理方法。例如,在一個欄位、記錄或固定長度數據塊的不用部分插入空字元、零或空格。
Copy this information into the space provided below as a backup reference for service or reconfiguration. 將此信息複製到下列空格內,作為工作或重新設置時的參考備份。