- The grotto art also thrived with the introduction of Buddhism from India in the Southern and Northern Dynasties. 石窟藝術也是南北朝隨佛教東傳而興起的,
- A stone dragonhead is carved for each on the southern and northern walls of the southern pool. 在南池南北兩面石牆上,各有一石雕龍頭,相對而視。
- The official rank enjoyed exclusive hereditary rights in the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties. 魏晉南北朝時期的士族享有世襲特權。
- Putting the Finishing Touch to the Picture of a DragonIn the Southern and Northern Dyn... 這個成語用來比喻講話或寫文章時,在關鍵地方加一兩句重要的話,使內容更加生動有力。
- It became prevalent throughout Xinjiang during the period of the Southern and Northern Dynasties and the Sui and Tang dynasties. It was particularly popular in the Turpan area. 南北朝至隋唐時期,祆教流行於新疆各地,吐魯番地區尤為盛行。
- Nuer himself, Mr Guch is commander of a joint integrated unit (JIU) of southern and northern Sudanese soldiers mandated to keep the peace in Nasir. 自己也是努爾人,Guch先生是南北蘇丹士兵聯合部隊的司令,這支部隊被委任保持納西爾地區的和平。
- The Wei-jin and Southern and Northern Dynasties are the period that the nationality migrates greatly, merges greatly in China's history . 魏晉南北朝時代是中國歷史上民族大遷徙、大融合的時期。
- During the Wei-Jin and the Southern and Northern Dynasties, the bantering novel with humourous and ironical language came into being. 摘要魏晉南北朝時期,產生了篇幅短小、寓譏於諧的諧謔小說。
- Under the Buddhist influence during the Southern and Northern Dynasty, Buddhism themed decorations were often seen on buildings and daily objects. 南北朝時期受佛教的影響,建築、日用品上常見佛教題材的裝飾。
- Subsequently, one dynasty replaced another. They included the Han, Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties, Sui, Tang, Five Dynasties, Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing. 此後,歷史嬗變,朝代更替,經歷了漢、魏、晉、南北朝、隋、唐、五代、宋、元、明、清等王朝,
- Ministers and aristoctrats knelt down inside the Gates of Parting Clouds on the southern and northern sides of Bridge of gold Bridge according to age and rank. 王公大臣們按輩分和官階分別跪侍在排雲門內,金水橋的橋南橋北。
- During the Southern and Northern dynasties, the Northern Heavenly Teacher Sect was established in the north, and in the south, the Southern Heavenly Teacher Sect. 南北朝時期,北天師道在北方創立,南天師道在南方創立。
- Unfill the two Jin and Southern and Northern Dynasties, the human date has already developed into for a very important holiday, the holiday custom also gradually formed. 到了兩晉南北朝,人日已經發展成為一個很重要的節日,節日習俗也逐漸形成。
- Unfill the two Jin and Southern and Northern Dynasties,the human date has already developed into for a very important holiday,the holiday custom also gradually formed. 到了兩晉南北朝,人日已經發展成為一個很重要的節日,節日習俗也逐漸形成。
- Western Europe's consumers are preparing for an online Christmas shopping spree, but there is a large divergence between southern and northern Europeans. 西歐消費者正在備戰一場聖誕網上購物狂歡,不過,歐洲南部與北部的消費者之間,存在著很大的差異。
- However, The humanist spirit was perfected gradually in the Jin, the Southern and Northern Dynasties, and became a contemporary spirit prevailing in the society. 降至正始及魏晉交替之際,人文精神又呈現出一種困惑裂變的形態;
- Asymmetry between the southern and northern hemispheres of the Earth is further stated on the basis of new calculations, analyses and observations of space geodesy. 摘要依據新的計算分析和空間觀測數據,進一步論述了地球南北半球的非對稱性。
- Chinese feudalism legitimism law thought comes into being from Qin Han, after development of Wei Jin southern and northern dynastiets , till attaining perfection in Tang Dynasty. 中國封建正統法律思想自秦漢產生,經魏晉南北朝的發展,至唐代臻於完善。
- This bimodal distribution of patients and causative fungi, also reported in southern and northern Taiwan, represents a new trend of tinea capitis in the past 2 decades. 此兩極化之病人及致病菌種分佈,亦見於台灣南部及北部,代表近二十年頭癬之新趨勢。
- It is concluded that hydrocarbon accumulations exist in the southern and northern parts of the Mangar depression and the southern part of the Awati depression. 最後得出結論:在滿加爾坳陷南部、北部和阿瓦提坳陷南部等3處存在著油氣聚集區域。