- There were sounds of splashings down the river. 河的那邊傳來河水啵啦的聲音。
- I was awakened by the sound of church bells. 我被教堂的鐘聲吵醒。
- The sound of danger gives wings to his flight. 危險的信號加速了他的逃跑。
- The sound of the cheering faded away. 歡呼聲在逐漸消失。
- She is enamoured of the sound of her own voice. 她陶醉於自己的嗓音。
- So splashing water can make people feel cooler. 潑水還可以變得涼爽一些。
- Normally by splashing water on each other. 泰國人通常以互相潑水來慶祝。
- She is enamored of the sound of her own voice. 她陶醉於自己的嗓音。
- The children love splashing water over each other. 兒童喜歡互相潑水。
- I was roused by the sound of the bell this morning. 今天早晨,我被鈴聲喚醒。
- He heard the women splashing water about. 他聽見婦女們使水四濺。
- She started at the sound of my voice. 她聽到了我的聲音,驀地一驚。
- Splash water over her face,it'll help to wake her. 她把臉上潑上水,這樣能弄醒她。
- He wheeled round at the sound of his name. 他一聽到自己的名字就迅速轉過身去。
- Splash water over his face,it'll help to wake him. 用水澆他的臉,這樣會使他清醒過來。
- We sat listening to the sound of the waves. 我們坐著傾聽海浪的聲音。
- The children love to splash water over one another. 孩子們喜歡互相往身上潑水。
- The sound of that drill jangles horribly on the nerves. 那台鑽機的聲音響極了,十分刺耳。
- Splash water over her face, it'll help to wake her. 她把臉上潑上水,這樣能弄醒她。
- The crowd panicked at the sound of the explosion. 爆炸聲一響,人群便驚慌起來。