- "I'll never forget that," Jung says. " My parents ingrained in me early on that the perfect score is always something to strive for. 鍾說:「我永遠不會忘記這件事,在我那麼小的時候我父母就讓我懂得了取得好成績是需要奮鬥的。」
- Plan again to strive for the scholarship. 打算再次爭取到獎學金。
- We have to strive for what we want. 我們必須為求得我們所要的東西而努力。
- It's wrong to strive for personal fame and gain. 追求個人名利是錯誤的。
- He is in training as to strive for the next Games. 他在為下一屆奧運會而進行著訓練,準備再搏一次。
- Vie: to strive for victory or superiority; contend. 競爭,為勝利或者優勢而爭鬥。
- He has to strive for good grades. 他必須竭力爭取好成績。
- To strive for victory or superiority; contend. 競爭為勝利或者優勢而爭鬥;競爭
- Mr.Tsang pledged to strive for universal suffrage. 曾蔭權承諾,為實現普選而努力。
- To the ideal would be to strive for. 為了理想;會努力奮鬥地去爭取.
- You should continue to strive for unity, because unity is strength. 你們應該繼續要求統一,因為統一才有力量。
- China is indeed a country to strive for civilization and courtesy. 中國人不愧是講文明講禮貌的國家。
- Success in my view is the willingness to strive for something you really want. 成功,在我看來,就是為自己真正想要的東西去奮鬥!
- You should continue to strive for unity,because unity is strength. 你們應該繼續要求統一,因為統一才有力量。
- I'll try and rustle you up something to eat. 我設法給你弄點吃的。
- We encourage all members to strive for the highest standards. 我們鼓勵所有成員為達到最高標準而努力。
- It's better to strive for the future than to regret the past. 後悔過去不如為將來而奮鬥。
- Dare to strive for success, dare to challenge limit. 勇於拼搏,挑戰極限;
- The congress clarified the future goals to strive for. 大會明確了今後的奮鬥目標。
- Gary has something to do with stockbroking. 加里同股票經紀業務有些關係。