- Remove combustible insulation or rectify flame-retardant property at * air duct / pipework / air handling unit. 通風喉管/管道/風櫃的易燃隔熱層須予拆除或其防火特性須予矯正。
- Advice and information on solid handling systems and the large scale preparation of Soap KL-S100 solutions is available from EDO CHEMICAL SDN BHD. EDO CHEMICAL SDN BHD提供有皂KL-S100的操作使用和溶解系統的建議及技術信息。
- The webs have been designed In bulk solid handling equipment like stacker,bucket wheel reclaimer,belt conveyors,shiploader,shipunloader. 請各位關註:本站將不定期推出具有實用性的斗輪堆取料機(斗輪機),皮帶運輸機(皮帶機),裝船機、卸船機的技術文章
- Equipment that performs heat transfer when mounted inside an Air Handling unit or ductwork. 安裝在空氣處理器或管道中實現熱轉換的設備。
- To ensure the normally operation of broadcasting studios,retrofitting old air handling unit plant rooms is made. 為保證廣播電台演播室的正常工作,對原有的空調機房進行了改造。
- In this part, a simulated air handling unit (AHU) system in Omaha NE is used to demonstrate the energy savings performance in one typical climate year. 在進行風扇的設計或改良時,通常需要使用計算擬的方法預測風扇的性能曲線。
- Fisher discriminant analysis,combined with principal component analysis is presented to diagnose fault of temperature and flow rate sensors in air handling unit(AHU). 為了對空調箱的溫度和流量等感測器的故障進行診斷,提出了一種基於統計學的方法:Fisher判別分析法。
- A statistic method combining principal component analysis (PCA) with joint angle plot is presented to online detect and diagnose fixed bias of temperature and flow rate sensors of air handling unit (AHU). 本文針對空調箱的溫度、流量等感測器進行固定偏差故障,提出了一種基於統計學的方法進行在線的故障檢測和診斷。
- A statistic method combining principal component analysis(PCA)with joint angle plot was proposed to online detect and diagnose fixed or drift bias of temperature and flow rate sensors of air handling unit(AHU). 針對空調箱的溫度、流量等感測器進行固定偏差和漂移故障的檢測與診斷,提出了一種基於統計學的方法進行在線的故障檢測和診斷。
- Based on heat recovery technology of heat pipe and evaporative cooling technology, the air handling unit (AHU) with indirect evaporative cooling of heat pipe type for heat recovery were developed. 摘要針對板式、管式間接蒸發冷卻器存在的問題,提出將熱管熱回收技術與蒸發冷卻技術有機結合,研發熱回收型熱管式間接蒸發冷卻空調機組。
- A lot of our clients tell us that they would rather work with us because we're grown up with the technology and have a solid handle on it. 許多客戶告訴我們說,他們寧願與我們合作,因為我們同這種技術一起成長,掌握的技術知識非常紮實。分析:採用順序法。
- Installations with chill water cooling, needing constant air volume and dehumidification, traditionally use a draw through air handling unit with a cooling coil and a re-heat coil. 本研究是以開發一輛技術教育用彈珠式熱空氣引擎車為目標,學生可藉由製作此本研究所開發的模型車學習與熱力學等有關知識與原理。
- To install, test, control, service and clean air-conditioning equipment, including ducting, fan coil units, air handling units and ventilating fans. 安裝、維修及清理空調設備,包括大小型送風及通風系統等。
- To install, perform maintenance and clean air-conditioning equipment, including ducting, fan coil units, air handling units and ventilating fans. 同時也配備了防火設備以確保咖啡店的安全。
- Analyses the cause of overlarge humidity in the clean room.Presents the modifying methods for the fresh air handling units, clean air conditioning units and control system. 摘要在使用中發現該大樓潔凈室濕度偏大且無法控制,分析了其原因,介紹了對新風處理機組、凈化空調機組及控制系統的改造。
- Solves the problem that mechanical room is too small to arrange the system by stacking of air handling units and pressurization of cold and hot water systems with one tank. 用空調機組雙層疊放、冷熱水系統一罐定壓等方法解決機械室窄小、系統難以布置的問題。
- Cheese is a solid; milk is a liquid. 乾酪是固體,奶是液體。
- Discussions on Air Handling Unit for Clean Air 卧式凈化空調機組相關問題探討
- Solid fuel motors are coming into use. 固體燃料馬達即將開始使用。