- · 年度Rap單曲獎: "Who Dat" - JT Money/Sole· Rap Single Of The Year: "Who Dat" - JT Money/Sole
- · 年度Rap單曲獎:"Who Dat" - JT money/Sole· Rap Single Of The Year: "Who Dat" - JT Money/Sole
- "right"和"write"發音相同。"Right" and "write" are pronounced the same.
- (=right) 右側RT.
- in,from,out,以及of都是介詞。The words'in','from','out' and 'of are prepositions.
- AgentMulti-Agent
- OK, all right 好的okey.
- 弗拉維奧·西瑪給Il Sole 24 Ore財經日報寫了封題為「我,一個領帶製造商,來為全球變暖買單」的信,他在信中說:「義大利證明了它是個奇怪的國家。」"Italy confirms that it is a strange country," Flavio Cima said in a letter to financial daily Il Sole 24 Ore under the headline: "I, tie maker, am responsible for global warming".
- Agent圖agent digraph
- 介詞OFPreposition OF
- 吧 ... right?吧 ... OK?笆an article made of bamboo strips
- 多Agentmulti-agent
- (=right mediolateral) 右中側RML.
- Agent網Agent net
- abbr. 閣下(Right Honourable)Rt. Hon.
- 移Agentmobile agent
- 請將第12行中的「right」改為「night」。For「right」in line 12 please read「night」.
- 單AgentSingle-agent
- 相當多 Q-right. 完全對。quite a few
- 蠕蟲Agentworm agent