Even if you would not use any soldering past, but preforms without flux, you will get a perfect wettening of the surfaces and a voidless connection. 即使你之前沒有進行過焊接,而且焊片不帶焊劑,焊接面也可以得到良好的潤濕,並且空率很低。
This tester is provided with a "Guard" terminal to prevent errors due to surface leakage. 本儀錶裝有保護環接線柱,用以糾正因表面漏電而造成的誤差。
Apply a thin coating of petroleum jelly or chassis grease to the exposed surfaces of the cable terminal clamps and the battery terminal posts. 為電纜終端線夾和電池接線柱露出部分塗一層薄的凡士林油或車用底盤滑脂。