- The soil pipe of the toilet got something stuck in it. 馬桶的排便管被堵住了。
- Note: Preferred mounting of check valves of any manufacturer is 5 pipe diameters downstream from the pump discharge or pipe elbow. 註釋:任何製造商的止回閥最好安裝在泵排泄口或管道彎頭下游5倍管道直徑的位置。
- Valve number 2 is awkward to maintain, as its spring return actuator is heavy and causes unnecessary strain on the pipe elbow just above it before the pipe turns downward through the floor. 2號閥門也很難進行維護,因為它的彈簧複位執行器非常重,而且正好位於管道轉向地面的彎管上,因此管道承受著很大的壓力。
- Third, IPPF, soil pipe, the three major national policy of environmental protection, the rule of law effective publicity and education. 三是計生、土管、環保三大國策、法制宣傳教育成效顯著。
- CBV angle-style valves are designed to replace piping elbows. CBV角型閥門可用於取代管道彎頭。
- Clean floor drain outlets at least once a week to prevent putrid air and insects in the soil pipes from entering the premises. 地台排水口最少每星期清潔一次,以防止污水渠內的臭味或昆蟲進入樓宇內。
- This paper presents a method to manufacture pipe elbows by hydro-bulging a tubular single-curvature polyhedron. 介紹了一種利用管狀單曲率多面殼體液壓脹形製造薄壁管道彎頭工藝方法。
- Cast Iron Soil Pipe and Fittings 固體鑄鐵管和配件
- CISPI Cast Iron Soil Pipe Institute 鑄鐵污水管學會
- Some plants push their roots deep into the soil. 一些植物的根深深長入土中。
- a sewage pipe; a soil pipe; a sewer conduit; a waste-pipe 污水管
- Such crops won't grow in limy soil. 這類作物不能在石灰質的土壤中生長。
- Standard Specification for Cast Iron Soil Pipe and Fittings 鑄鐵污水管及配件的技術規範
- What shall we grow in this alkaline soil? 我們應該在鹼性土壤里種什麼?
- Design of the Injection Mould with a Rapid-Replacing Core for PVC Water Pipe Elbow PVC水管彎頭快速可換型芯注射模設計
- There are a lot of worms in the soil. 泥土中有許多蠕蟲。
- Water has permeated (through) the soil. 水已滲遍那片土壤。
- There are some clods of soil on the mat. 墊子上有些土塊。
- The earth in the garden is good, soft soil. 花園裡的泥土鬆軟肥沃。
- Plastic collapse load analysis of the pipe elbows 彎管塑性極限載荷分析