- Configuration option on clustered systems. 配置選項。
- Make use of the query governor configuration option. 使用query governor配置選項。
- Software configuration management activities are planned. 制定了軟體配置管理活動的計劃。
- Compared with the previous version, software configuration is optimized. 與前一版本相比優化了診斷軟體結構。
- Reducing service-level impacts due to software configuration errors. 降低了軟體配置錯誤對服務級別的影響。
- Configuration option that changes the cutoff year used by SQL Server and allows for the consistent treatment of dates. 配置選項,可通過此選項更改SQL Server使用的截止年份,從而對日期進行一致處理。
- Does not accept new configuration option values out of the documented valid ranges for each configuration option. 不接受超出所記錄的各配置選項值有效範圍的新配置選項值。
- Entering a question mark ("?") will produce a short descriptive message describing that configuration option. 輸入問號("?")會給你對此選項的簡短的描述。
- For many, it could be as simple as a configuration option in their link resolver. 對於許多圖書館而言,只需在其鏈接解析器中設置一個配置選項即可。
- This configuration option sets an upper limit on the time it should take to recover each database. 該配置選項設置了SQL Server在恢復每個資料庫時所應花時間的上限。
- The hardware, software configuration and principle of A/D converter module are also introduced. 詳細介紹了A/D轉換模塊的軟硬體結構與原理。
- Advanced configuration options. Any configuration option can be reconfigured by using the WITH OVERRIDE option. 任何配置選項都可以通過使用WITH OVERRIDE選項來重新配置。
- To illustrate the overview of hardware and application software configuration in real ation. 在這裡,連鑄和連軋在一個連續的過程中實現。
- Currently running value of the configuration option (value in sys. Configurations. Value_in_use). 配置選項的當前運行值(sys.;configurations
- If a configuration option is not included in an LCP packet, the default value for that configuration option is assumed. 如果連結控制協定封包中未含組態選項,就採用組態選項的預設值。
- An administrator is responsible for maintaining the integrity of data stored in the software configuration management system. 管理員負責維護軟體配置管理系統中存儲的數據的完整性。
- Software configuration for this environment would be rather simple as all software components are installed and run on a single computer. 這種環境的軟體配置相當簡單,因為所有軟體組件都在一台計算機上安裝和運行。
- The crawl range is limited by the number of rows in the table, the number of CPUs, and the max full-text crawl range configuration option. 爬網範圍受制於表中的行數、CPU的個數和max full-text crawl range配置選項限制。
- The administrator might also be responsible for producing a reproducible build from the files placed in the software configuration management system. 此外,管理員還有可能負責從位於軟體配置管理系統中的文件創建可重現的生成。
- Describes deployment topologies and configuration options. 介紹部署拓撲和配置選項。