- The divine ordering of worldly affairs. 天意神安排的世俗事
- In the eye of the Buddhist, every worldly affair is vain. 在佛教徒的眼裡,人世上一切事情都是空的。
- In the eye of the Buddhist,every worldly affair is vain. 在佛教徒的眼裡,人世上一切事情都是空的。
- We must fight this unhealthy social trend. 我們一定要抵制這股社會逆流。
- It is reasonable that a man should not hurt himself for worldly affairs. 一個人應該不會為了俗事來傷害自己的身體吧!
- To give correct guidance to the public and foster healthy social trends? 給予正確導向,弘揚社會正?
- To a man of practice, the five skandhas are actually empty. The worldly affairs and Things are petty. 對修行者而言,五蘊皆空,世俗的事與物都不是那麼重要的。
- With such realization, you can be a carefree bystander, undisturbed by the churning and capricious worldly affairs. 在看透這一點時,你就可以自在地旁觀,世事翻騰反覆而不揚一條眉毛。
- We can sing under the light from the star that I know of, where people in love can forget about worldly affairs. 在我熟悉的星光下,也就是在相愛的人彼此可以忘掉俗物的地方,我們可以歌唱。
- Popular culture may be shallow,but it often means a much more fundamental change in social trends. 流行文化雖然膚淺,不過它往往預示一個更深刻的社會趨勢。
- How should spiritual practitioners regard engagement in worldly affairs according to affinity, or should they face life with a more positive attitude? 修行人應如何看待隨緣處世,或是應以更積極的態度面對人生?
- A confluence of social trends has elevated young Koreans to their newfound status as consumer trendsetters, observers say. 觀察家們說,各種社會趨勢混合在一起,使韓國的年輕人成為新消費時尚的開創者。
- Their hearts are like stone.They just palter on the worldly affairs, never being moved and never trying to do something great. 這種人心如頑石,對世俗的事只是隨便應付,絕對不起心動念,更不想有任何作為。
- Sharing a basic socialist concept of socialist ethics and social trends reflect the organic unity. 社會主義榮辱觀體現了社會主義基本道德規範和社會風尚的有機統一。
- If only a man would never seek passing joys or entangle himself with worldly affairs, what a good conscience he would have. 唉!人若不貪瞬息的安樂,同世俗斷絕來往,他的良心是多麽平安啊!
- There is also a growing "market" for the latest American social trends and thinking. 美國的社會時尚,思想潮流,在新加坡的"市場"也越來越大。
- May say this animation decides gloomily, the sentimental main key is heavy, reaches quite perfectly that kind of end worldly affairs pocket watch. 到底是人性黑暗還是環境惡劣,這個問題一直到結尾才緩緩的被揭開。
- Reversing undesirable social trends will be far from an easy task and will require a dramatic change in attitudes . 扭轉不好的社會趨勢遠非一件易事,看法需要有巨大的變化。
- Reversing undesirable social trends will be far from an easy task and will require a dramatic change in attitudes. 扭轉不好的社會趨勢遠非一件易事,需要有巨大的態度變化。
- What most disgusting things: behind making people with tinted glasses human being becomes the kind of person, a person appointed with aloof from worldly affairs. 最討厭什麼東西:在背後說三道四的人,帶有色眼鏡看人的那種人,一副自命不凡裝清高的人。