- Ruth' s skirt and blouse are a good match. 露絲的裙子和襯衫很相配。
- But after the Gauss filter process, the threshold image is changed into smooth one which has smaller burr and has better connectedness. 提出一種「高斯濾波」的方法去除這些白點,使二值化圖像平滑、少毛刺,並具有較好的連通性。
- Praise God for His guidance and provision: Pastor Isaac Cheung will return to BAC. Pray that their moving back to Burnaby will be a smooth one. 兒童足球營:請為到繼續招收兒童參加與及整體籌備的過程而禱告,藉此更能接觸那些未認識主的群體。
- To make your ride in this Polaris ATV a smooth one, it comes equipped with a reliable concentric drive system and long-travel rear suspension. 讓您乘坐在這北極星亞視順利之一,它配備了一個可靠的同心驅動系統和長期旅行后懸架。
- The transition to high definition (HD) can be a smooth one if careful engineering practices are followed in the initial stages of planning the facility. 向高清晰度(HD)的轉換可以是一個平滑的過程,問題是我們在工程設計的最初階級就應當嚴格地按照正確的工程實踐進行。
- For regenerator ,s large hole distributional plate in large FCCU endures high temperature load,the amount of the thermal distortion of it is very large,so the stress of it ,s skirt root is too high. 由於催化裂化裝置中再生器大孔分佈板承受高溫載荷作用,大孔分佈板的熱變形量很大,因此大孔分佈板裙座根部的應力很大。
- The correction pressure of the method comprises two components: a mass-conserving component and a smoothing one. 該方法的校正壓力由質量守恆項和壓力平滑項組成。
- The drug affects one's power(s) of concentration. 這種葯影響人精神不能集中。
- Image metamorphosis, a visual technique of transforming smoothly one digital image into another, is one kind of keyframe animation technique. 圖象變形是研究將一幅數字圖象平滑地變為另一幅數字圖象的技術,它屬於一種關鍵幀動畫製作技術。
- Here are the designs. Which one(s) do you prefer? 這就是那些圖樣.;你喜歡哪一個[些]?
- This paper presents a Gauss filter method to eliminate noise of threshold images, the threshold image is changed into smooth one which has smaller burr and has better connectedness. 提出一種「高斯濾波」的方法去除這些白點,使二值化圖像變得平滑、少毛刺,並具有較好的連通性。
- She is one of the best hurdlers in the world. 她是世界上最優秀的跨欄選手之一。
- This paper presents a Gauss filter method to eliminate noise of threshold images,the threshold image is changed into smooth one which has smaller burr and has better connectedness. 提出一種「高斯濾波」的方法去除這些白點,使二值化圖像變得平滑、少毛刺,並具有較好的連通性。
- It took him long time to smooth away perplexities. 他花了好長時間才消除了困惑。
- Her tender looks seemed to smooth away his worry. 她的溫柔的神情似乎消除了他的憂慮。
- The boy took one sip of the wine and spat it out. 那男孩子呷了一小口葡萄酒,但馬上又吐了出來。
- The deer was peppered with shot all down one side. 那隻死鹿的半邊身子都被子彈擊中。
- Rocks are worn smooth through the agency of water. 岩石由於水的作用而變得光滑。
- On the smooth wave in trembling beauty sleep. 在微浪的美妙顫抖中緩緩合目。
- This is only one instance out of many. 這不過是許多例子中的一個。