- Leave your dirty shoes out. They smell unpleasant. 把臟鞋放在外面,味太難聞了。
- The leftover food began to smell bad. 剩飯開始發臭了。
- The best fish smell bad when they are three days old. 久居別家招人嫌。(原意為:魚過三天就要臭。)
- Sweat is odorless, but the bacteria that live in it can smell bad. 汗是沒有異味的,但其中的細菌可能有怪味。
- Home interior wall painting, a white wall, and accompanied by smell unpleasant smell, clean eyes rolling, parched, throat swallowing blood, which can not living rooms. 回家粉刷室內牆體后,牆體呈白色,並伴有難聞的臭味,熏得眼睛流淚、口乾舌燥、喉嚨腫痛帶血,致使房間根本不能居住。
- Among them, local residents reflected the strongest Guangzhou Rubber plant emissions only 11 stench smell unpleasant, but also with the wind to waft around, around 500 metres residents affected. 其中,當地居民反映最強烈的廣州橡膠十一廠排放的廢氣不但惡臭難聞,還隨風向四周飄散,周圍500米的居民都受其影響。
- A. She smells/takes a smell of the food and finds it unpleasant. B. The food smells unpleasant to her. 她聞了一下這食物,覺得氣味不好。
- The meat smells a bit off.; The meat smells bad. 肉發臭了。
- My nose also smells bad and is dry. 我的鼻子一直有臭味,乾燥。
- The meat smells a bit off. or The meat smells bad. 肉發臭了。
- Please take out the garbage. It smells bad. 請把這包垃圾拿出去。它很難聞。
- It smells bad / terrible,but tastes nice / savory. 關鍵字:"聞起來臭,吃起來香"的英文翻譯?
- I recently compared Irritating, since I live in a block of buildings in the sewage, dirty water crosscurrent, smell bad. 最近我比較煩,因為我所居住的樓房前面的下水道堵了,髒水橫流,臭味四溢。
- Travis Well, at least you're talking to me. Maybe I should keep on with the self-abuse :I'm an idiot and my feet smell bad. 崔維斯嗯,至少妳跟我說話了。也許我應該繼續自責下去:我是個白痴,而且我的腳很臭。
- She felt dirty and messy and sticky, almost as if she smelled bad. 她覺得自己又臟又亂,粘粘糊糊,差不多要發臭了。
- It is often unpleasant to see an anomaly animal. 見到一隻畸形動物常常會使人感到不快。
- My breath smells bad and I have a foul taste in my mouth. 我嘴裡有股怪味。
- My nose smells bad and is dry. It's a horrible feeling. 我嗅覺差而且鼻子乾乾的,很難受。
- The unpleasant smell made her sick and she began to vomit. 那難聞的味道令她不適,她開始嘔吐起來。
- Open the window and air the room. It smells bad here. 打開窗房換換空氣,這屋裡味道太難聞了。