- We should like to know your terms of trade. 我們想了解貴方各類商品的交易條件。
- DANIEL YERGIN: Bolivia may be a small country, but it had a very big impact in terms of kick-starting reform throughout Latin America. 丹尼爾.;尤金(DanielYergin):%23%23%23是一個小國,但是它在作為引發整個拉丁美洲改革方面卻具有非常大的影響。
- Improvement in terms of trade is limited as competition erodes price. 由於競爭壓低了價格,貿易條件的改善就受到限制。
- Again they get the short end of the stick because the terms of trade are against them. 他們又吃了一次虧,因為貿易條款對他們不利。
- So in terms of trade,Australia is firmly anchored as an important partner and an important player in the region. 因此,以貿易來說,澳洲已確立其區內重要貿易夥伴和貿易體系的地位。
- Gross Barter terms of trade is the quantity of imports divided by the quantity of exports. 進口總額除以出口總額為總易貨貿易條件。
- In an open economy, the terms of trade between industrial goods and food can be stabilized by international prices. 在開放性經濟中,工業品和糧食的貿易條件可以由國際價格來穩定。
- This small country is governed by a group of army officers. 這個小國家由一群軍官統治著。
- So in terms of trade, Australia is firmly anchored as an important partner - and an important player - in the region. 因此,以貿易來說,澳洲已確立其區內重要貿易和貿易體系的地位。
- He was not used to the tedious of life in a small country town. 他不適應這種鄉村小鎮的單調生活。
- The U.S. trade triangle, showing its exports, imports, and terms of trade, is denoted by triangle BCD in figure 2.7. 如圖2.;7中BCD,就是美國的貿易三角形,它體現出了美國的出口,進口和貿易條件。
- The small country allied itself to/with the stronger power. 小國和強國聯盟。
- China does a lot of trade with many countries. 中國和許多國家進行多方面貿易。
- It is difficult to express it in terms of science. 要用科學的字眼來表達它是很困難的。
- They would filibuster the small country of its dictator. 他們將對這個小國的獨裁者發動抗爭。
- Investment and trade integration increases an uncertainty of the meaning of welfare in the terms of trade. 貿易與投資一體化使貿易條件的福利含義有了很大的不確定性。
- But for a small country it has a surprising range of climate. 但這樣一個小國卻有著令人驚奇的氣候變化。
- The TFP change also increases the terms of trade of both final goods and equipment. TFP 變化也增加最後的貨物和儀器的貿易期限。
- In terms of trade, the first priority should be to avoid the policy from shifting to protectionism. 避免政策轉向貿易保護主義應是各國政府在貿易問題上最優先考慮的問題。
- The Superpower diplomatized the small country. 超級大國對小國施展外交手段。