- We must not go by the short-sightedness of the small producer. 然而這絕不能依靠小生產者的近視。
- Moreover,we are still plagued by the force of habit of the small producer and by the habits of bureaucracy. 此外,小生產的習慣勢力和官僚主義的習慣勢力,還仍然盛行。
- A user』s mental model doesn』t necessarily have to be true or accurate, but it should enable him to work effectively. 用戶的心理模型並不一定要真實或者準確,但它應該能夠讓用戶更有效地工作。
- The last two skins, namely, national capitalist and small producer ownership, were targets of the socialist revolution. 社會主義革命是革后兩張皮:民族資本主義所有制和小生產者所有制。
- Algernon becomes less intelligent and Charlie"s mental[4]disability[5] slowly returns. 他可以和別人正常交談,又可以像一般人一樣受到平等的對待。
- Moreover, we are still plagued by the force of habit of the small producer and by the habits of bureaucracy. 此外,小生產的習慣勢力和官僚主義的習慣勢力,還頑強地糾纏著我們。
- The cotton ball sport is, to some degree, entertaining, which exerts positive influences on people s mental health. 摘要棉花球運動具有一定的觀賞性,它對人們的心理健康產生著積極的影響。
- Mozi is the young handicraftsman and small producer's representative,is actually a giant. 墨子是小手工業者和小生產者的代表,卻是一位卓越人物。
- In the digital world, however, the differences between a user』s mental model and the implementation model are often quite distinct. 然而,在數字世界里,用戶的心理模型和實現模型經常是截然不同的。
- Figure 17-4: The revised file menu now better reflects the user』s mental model, rather than the programmer』s implementation model. 圖17-4 這個改善了的新式文件菜單更好地反映了用戶的心理模型,而不是程序員的實現模型。
- Mozi represents the small producer benefit, made public stand raises the chisel "Deny Art" the thought, established a new school in the pre-qin esthetics thought. 摘要墨子,代表小生產者利益,旗幟鮮明地提出「非樂」思想,在先秦美學思想中獨樹一幟。
- To conform to the user』s mental model, it should then erase the original even though that contradicts the implementation model. 但是為了符合用戶的心理模型,即使違背了實現模型,操作系統也應該刪除原來的舊文件。
- In the 19th century it harbored hundreds of small producers. 19紀期間,此地曾是數百家小型業者的據點。
- Unfortunately, this manifest model rapidly diverges from the user』s mental model as the complexity of the situation grows. 不幸的是,隨著情況越來越複雜,這種顯式模型很快就偏離了用戶的心理模型。
- Ultimately, we believe that properly conducted open-ended interviews are quite capable of exploring these aspects of the user』s mental model. 最後要說明的是,我們相信通過合理的開放式訪談完全能夠了解用戶心理模型的上述方面。
- Establish of root of means of small producer thinking the smallholder economy at autarky, have the characteristic such as circular sex, batter sex, experience sex, middle sex. 小生產者思維方式根植於自給自足的小農經濟 ,具有循環性、內傾性、經驗性、中庸性等特點。
- They should criticize the ideology of the exploiting classes and the conservative,narrow-minded mentality characteristic of small producers,criticize anarchism and ultra-individualism,and overcome bureaucracy. 要批判剝削階級思想和小生產守舊狹隘心理的影響,批判無政府主義、極端個人主義,克服官僚主義。
- This research investigates the developmental pattern and route of the CEL's mental lexicon through word association tests. 本研究運用辭彙聯想測試,調查了英語專業學生是怎樣習得生詞並把他們融入到心理辭彙中的。
- Scientific eExpert in WHO's Mental Health and Substance Abuse Department, Alexandra Fleischmann says risk factors vary in different cultures. 世界衛生組織說,男性自殺者多過女性,但是自殺未遂者中,女性比男性要多。