- Put long interests before immediate interests. 把長遠利益放在眼前利益之上。
- He who has a narrow vision concentrates on immediate interests. 目光短淺的人只注意眼前的利益。
- The article it published sparked immediate interest in Shao-Shao. 該報發表的那篇文章馬上激起了對笑笑的興趣。
- We should put longterm interests before immediate interests. 我們應把長遠利益置於眼前利益之上。
- An immediate interest kindled within me for the unknown Catherine. 我對於這位素不相識的凱瑟琳頓時發生了興趣。
- Much new knowledge is remote from the immediate interest of the ordinary person. 許多新知識與普通人目前的利益關係甚遠。
- Nim sensed, among his audience, rapt and immediate interest. 尼姆意識到聽眾中頓時產生一種著了迷似的興趣。
- Lying beyond or outside the area of immediate interest. 位於直接興趣範圍之外的。
- Rationalizing the relations of income distribution bears on the immediate interests of the general public and the display of their initiative. 理順分配關係,事關廣大群眾的切身利益和積極性的發揮。
- This follows necessarily because of the position and immediate interests of the Third World itself. 這是由第三世界所處的地位和切身利害關係決定的。
- The relationship between local interests and overall interests, between immediate interests and long-term interests should be handled correctly. 正確處理局部利益與整體利益、眼前利益與長遠利益的關係
- As the case stands, the research should be carried out because of its immediate interest. 根據目前情況來看,此項研究其迫切的重要意義應該著手進行。
- That is, if you overlook immediate interests while determining which course of action to take, all of your options become a pie painted on paper. 也就是說,在你沒有找到合適的實現方法以前,無論眼前利益還是長遠利益實際上都是畫餅。
- The social position of being noncommittal to or uninvolved with anything other than one's own immediate interests and lifestyle. 隱遁主義,隱逸主義不介入或不關心與自己直接利益和生活方式無關的社會態度
- To care about the immediate interests only while forgetting the lofty ideal will result in the loss of direction of progress. 忘記遠大理想而只顧眼前,就會失去前進方向。
- If we do not allow rent reduction and agrarian reform, it will be a manifestation of Han chauvinism and it will mean we have not taken into account their immediate interests. 如果不允許他們實行減租、土改,那就是大漢族主義,就是不直接照顧他們的利益。
- If we do not allow rent reduction and agrarian reform,it will be a manifestation of Han chauvinism and it will mean we have not taken into account their immediate interests. 如果不允許他們實行減租、土改,那就是大漢族主義,就是不直接照顧他們的利益。
- Were we to do the opposite and pursue personal,local or immediate interests at the expense of the others,both sets of interests would inevitably suffer. 如果相反,違反集體利益而追求個人利益,違反整體利益而追求局部利益,違反長遠利益而追求暫時利益,那末,結果勢必兩頭都受損失。
- I saw the small girl topple over and hit her head. 我看見那小女孩栽了一跤,碰著了頭。
- A Unit's rules and regulations that have a direct bearing on the immediate interests of the laborers shall be announced within its organization or distributed to the laborers. 用人單位應當將直接涉及勞動者切身利益的規章制度和重大事項決定公示,或者告知勞動者。