- The slot plug succeed both in cold test and hot test,which can be applied in ladle for bottom blowing as well as bottom powder injection. 這種帶錐形流化室的透氣磚,既可用於鋼包底吹氣又可用於鋼包底噴粉,在冷熱態條件下進行了實驗並獲得成功。
- Considering deficiencies of traditional powder injection in ladle,slot plug with conical fluidized bed used for bottom powder injection in ladles was developed. 針對傳統鋼包噴粉工藝的不足,開發了從鋼包底部噴吹的噴粉型狹縫式透氣磚。
- Study on law of flow velocity distribution and flow resistance in slot plug 狹縫式透氣磚內氣流速度分佈規律及阻力研究
- My friend put me in a white-collar slot. 我朋友使我從事一份白領工作。
- They've been plugging his new show on the radio. 他們一直在電台上宣傳他的新節目。
- Don't clog your mind with cares. 不要因慮而變得悶悶不樂。
- He put a coin into the insertion slot. 他往投幣孔投入一枚硬幣。
- Plug the rudder into the slot and glue it. 然後,將事先取下方向舵插上並膠住。
- Don't clog up your memory with useless facts. 不要把腦袋塞滿無用的東西。
- John is the spark plug on his rowing team. 約翰是划船隊的中堅分子。
- Can we slot her into a job in the sale department? 我們能把她安排在銷售部工作嗎?
- He was plugging away at his work. 他正在埋頭苦幹。
- A slot for a key in the hub or shaft of a wheel. 鍵槽輪子的轂或軸里的鍵的溝槽
- He's been plugging his new song on the radio. 他一直在收音機上為他的新歌大打廣告。
- You can plug into the national computer network. 你可以接通全國計算機網路。
- The TV compere gave her new record a plug. 電視節目主持人極力推薦她的新唱片。
- Pick up the receiver and deposit a coin in the slot. 拿起聽筒之後,放一個硬幣在這個小口子里。
- The wall plug is broken, isn't it? 牆上的插座壞了,不是嗎?
- It's hard to get at the spark plug without a proper wrench. 沒有一把合適的扳鉗,要抓住那個火花塞是困難的。
- Pull (out) the plug and let the water drain away. 拔掉塞子,把水放掉。