- The climber fell from a great height. 攀登者從極高的地方墜落下來。
- They lowered the boxes into the cellar by a sling. 他們用吊索將箱子放進地窖。
- The twins are unequal in height. 這一對孿生兒高矮不一樣。
- From a precipitous height we look at the town spread out below. 我們從險峻的高處眺望鋪展在下面的城鎮。
- The total height is put at390 feet. 整個高度估計為390英尺。
- She can see over the wall because of her height. 她個子高,能看到牆的那一邊。
- Pop was at its height in the early 1960s. 通俗藝術在二十世紀六十年代初最為流行。
- The tree grew to a height of 20 feet. 那樹長到二十英尺高。
- Can you guess the height of the tree? 你能猜出這樹的高度嗎?
- He erected himself to full height. 他把身子挺直。
- He had to keep his broken arm in a sling. 他不得不把斷胳膊固定在弔帶上。
- He has grown both in height and weight. 他身高和體重都增加了。
- He's about the same height as you. 他大約像你那麼高。
- His height makes him stand out in the crowd. 他身材高大,因此在人群中很突出。
- The room is wide in proportion to its height. 這房間就其高度的比例而言是很寬的。
- They looked down from a giddy height. 他們從令人眩暈的高度往下看。
- A grownup man can't change from short to tall in height. 一個成年人不能在身高上由矮變高。
- From a precipitous height we looked at the town spread out below. 我們從險峻的高處眺望鋪展在下面的城鎮。
- Both pelvic and thoracic sling restraints are used. 用弔帶約束髖部和胸部。
- To raise or lower with such a sling. 用套拉繩拉上放下,用起重套索提升或放下用這樣的繩索提升或放下