- Move the slide door to the stack position. 移滑動門到存放位置。
- In this paper the features, structure and designing key points of the sliding door for the microbuses are introduced. 介紹了小型客車移動門的特點及結構、設計要點。
- Lounge installs sliding door, it is wonderful recreation place. 休閑室設置推拉門,是極好的娛樂休閑場所。
- When you vacate the room, you should hand over the door key to me. 你搬出房間時,要把房間鑰匙交給我。
- DORMA Door Closers, Motion Detector, Glass Sliding Door, Time.. DORMA活動隔音牆-活動隔音牆價格及生產廠家[上海福而威建築材料...
- In crossing the bridge, she dropped the door key in the river. 過橋的時候,她把鑰匙摔進河裡面。
- Sliding doors and windows move in groove. 滑動門和滑動窗都在凹槽中移動。
- Resting on or mounted along a supporting track,as a sliding door on rollers. 在軌上滑動的靠在或架在支撐軌道上的,如滑門或滾筒的
- She pocketed her wallet and door keys. 她把錢包和門鑰匙放進了口袋裡。
- Resting on or mounted along a supporting track, as a sliding door on rollers. 在軌上滑動的靠在或架在支撐軌道上的,如滑門或滾筒的
- The family room has a bar and sliding door leading to the large backyard. 家庭房內設有一個小酒吧,通過家庭房的移動滑門可到大後院;
- The urine smell from the security washrooms at the sliding door entrance. 入口處推拉門邊的保安洗手間發出難聞的尿味。
- Double open sliding door is very convenient to load and unload large workpiece. 敞開式的雙開滑門設計,更便於裝、卸載大型的工件。
- His sliding door is distinctive, for music rings as you open or close it. 他家的拉門很有特色,左右推拉時,會有音樂響起。
- Accept the fluster of lost door keys, the hour badly spent. 接受了弄掉鑰匙的驚慌無力,度過了非常浪費的虛擲光陰。
- When the carpenter finished his work and the builder came to inspect the house, the contractor handed the front door key to the carpenter. 當木匠最後完工,老闆來看房子時,他把前門的鑰匙交給木匠說:「這是你的房子。
- I had two dark-blue plush chairs to lounge on and a curtain to shut the bustle of corridor traffic outside my sliding door. 我有兩張深藍色的豪華座椅可以隨意坐卧,還有一扇門帘隔絕拉門外走廊上人來人往的喧擾。
- Elliptic locker, white grinds sanded sliding door to expert simply, wheel is convenient and master optional shift. 橢圓形的小櫃,白色磨沙推拉門簡單大方,輪子方便主人隨意移動。
- I lost the door key about here. 我在這附近掉了門鑰匙。
- They open the sliding doors and help themselves to milk, butter, and cheese. 她們推開滑門,自己動手拿牛奶,黃油和乳酪吃。