- Demand is slack over the summer months. 夏季的幾個月市場滯銷。
- Slack up before you reach the crossroads. 駛近十字路口時要減低速度。
- They were married with the utmost looseness. 他們極其輕率地結了婚。
- Slack off/up as youapproach the junction. 接近交叉口時要減速。
- Don't slack off in your studies. 不要荒費你的學業。
- Winter is the slack season at most hotels. 冬天是大多數旅館的淡季。
- Not taut, firm, or compact; slack. 鬆弛的不緊、不嚴密或不堅實的; 放鬆的
- His looseness in life has gravely affected his work. 他生活上的放蕩嚴重地影響了他的工作。
- After intense work in the summer, we are slack off now. 夏季緊張的工作過後,我們現在放鬆了。
- I can't hold out much longer-- I must find a loo. 我小便忍不住了我得去找個廁所。
- The sailors pulled at the rope to take up the slack. 水手們拉起繩索把它收緊。
- The loo table, however, did not appear. 不過這一回卻沒有看見有人打「祿牌」。
- Babbitt was frightened by Ted's slackness. 特德的鬆鬆垮垮叫巴比特擔心。
- Okay. But I got to go to the loo first. 好。但我要先去一下洗手間。
- The newspapers accused local police of laxity in dealing with gamblers. 報紙指責當地警察在對付賭徒方面執法不嚴。
- ERROR PARTIAL RESPONSE LOO ping. 錯誤提示:部分循環響應錯誤。
- Loo = a hole in a raised platform. 廁所??抬高的平台上的一個洞。
- The tractor took up the slack and pulled the trailer out of the mud. 拖拉機拉緊拖纜把拖車從泥中拉了出來。
- Not to be missed, camwhoring in the loo. 當然也不忘在廁所自拍一下。
- Such looseness throws discredit on the whole work. 這樣鬆懈使整體工作受到懷疑。