- The earthquake made the wall sink and start to crumble. 這次地震把這堵牆震得下陷並開始崩塌。
- Master bath has pedestal sink and upgraded shower. 主浴室里有水槽和升級淋浴間。
- I love this corner, esp. the sink and the window. 我很愛這個角落,特別是洗手池和窗戶。
- The earthquake makes the wall sink and start to crumble. 這次地震把這堵牆震得下陷並開始崩塌。
- The stars would shimmer, fade, and emerge reassembled. 星光變淡,消失,又突然出現。
- He doused his hair in the sink and rinsed the shampoo. 他將頭髮浸入水槽中將洗髮精衝掉。
- The tanker sank and the oil polluted the sea. 油輪沉沒了,石油污染了海面。
- Take the plug out of the sink and let the water out. 把水槽里的塞子拔出來,把水放了。
- Ensure that the next sink and the current one are linked together. 確保下一個接收器和當前的接收器鏈接在一起。
- Laundry room has utility sink and plenty of storage. 洗衣房有實用水槽和充足的存儲櫃。
- Let me not sink and disappear in the depth of languor. 別讓我在衰萎的深淵裡沉淪消散。
- The faithful will walk through streams of fire and emerge unscathed. 信念能使人行走在火焰的洪流中並毫髮無傷。
- It was several days before the floodwater sank and life returned to normal. 過了幾天洪水才退,生活恢復了正常。
- He showed himself calm in and emergency situation. 他在情況危急時,態度從容,鎮定自若。
- Disaster and Emergency Management Ethics. 災難與緊急處理的倫理道德研究。
- It's a ship long sunken and long forgotten. 原來是一艘沉睡了好幾百年的船。
- The denser water sinks and flows south. 粘稠的水將下沉並向南流動。
- The ship sank and the mails were lost. 船沉了,郵件全丟失了。
- But a correct policy alone could not have enabled us to defeat a powerful enemy and emerge victorious. 但是,僅僅有正確的主張還不能戰勝強大的敵人而取得勝利。
- The bridge sank and the village was isolated. 橋沉了,那個村子被隔絕了。