- From 1821 on, he singlehandedly developed complex function theory. 自1821年以後,他單獨地發展了複函數理論。
- You have successfully changed report parameters properties from single valued to multivalued. 您已成功地將報表參數屬性從單值更改為多值。
- A scalar-valued function returns a single value, such as a string, integer, or bit value. 標量值函數返回單個值,例如字元串、整數或位值。
- A function that performs a calculation on a column in a set of rows and returns a single value. 對一組行中的某一列執行計算並返回單個值的函數。
- The development of complex function theory proceeded apace in the latter part of the nineteenth century. 十九世紀後期,複函數的理論迅速地發展。
- Use embedded code for complex functions or functions that are used multiple times in a single report. 對於複雜函數或在一個報表中多次使用的函數,使用嵌入代碼。
- So far, all the queries have returned a single value. 到目前為止,所有查詢都返回單一值。
- Based on the complex function theory,the stress field was achieved by affine transformation. 文中的應力場是藉助於仿射變換的方法通過復變應力函數得到的。
- In this paper, the orthotropic bimaterial interlaminar fracture problem is studied by using theory of complex function. 摘要採用複變函數方法研究了正交異性雙材料層間斷裂問題。
- No computer can imitate the complex functions of the human brain. 任何計算機都無法模擬人腦的複雜功能。
- Every plane vector is formulated by a complex function, and the dataset is expressed as a complex function matrix. 每個平面矢量用一個複變函數來描述,整個數據集表達為一個複變函數矩陣。
- Linear transformation is the key of complex function, and also is a fundamental and significant Conformal mapping. 線性變換是複變函數中的一個重要內容,是一種基本又十分重要的保形變換。
- In the case of a sort on a single column, you can pass a single value. 在對單個列進行排序的情況下,可以傳遞單個值。
- The priority level is not a single value, but rather a range of values. 優先順序別不是單個值,而是一組值。
- Support for more complex functions is built into Universal Server extensions. 支持更複雜功能已編進了萬能伺服器的擴充部分。
- They hold a single value, which will be either a string or a reference. 每個標量都有唯一的值,或者是字元串或者是引用。
- A process to reduce an expression to its simplest form or a single value. 一種計算過程,為把某個表達式化成最簡形式或得到單一值。
- The results showed that there were the harmful effects of VDT on the operators' emotion,perception, memory, performance and complex function. 初步顯示VDT作業可對操作人員造成情緒、感知、記憶、操作及複合功能諸多方面的不良影響。
- And the complex function of glycan attribute to its diverse structure which is one of the important content of glycomics. 而糖鏈如此複雜的功能是由其多樣的結構決定的,糖鏈結構是糖組學研究的重要內容。
- The axisymmetric propagating problem of a penny-shaped crack in composite material is studied using complex function method. 通過複變函數論的方法,對複合材料圓盤狀裂紋的軸對稱性擴展問題進行研究。