- In addition measure range what the high power of 83750 and low harmonic function still increased scalar quantity system without parasitism trends. 此外83750的高功率和低諧波機能還增大了標量系統的無寄活躍態測量規模。
- This paper has given the concrete harmonic function expression of the adhesional energy equation, and discussed the varying characterisfies of the factors in the equation. 本文給出了以調和函數的形式構成粘附功方程的具體表達式,探討了方程中因子的變化特性,結合印版界面,應用方程對一些研究成果進行了驗證。
- To study the effect of gravity eccentricity on the ranges,the expression of gravity was educed using spherical harmonic function when the earth is considered as an normal ellipsoid or sphere. 為了研究地球的重力偏心對射程的影響,用球諧函數展開法推導了地球為正常橢球體和圓球體時的重力表達式,對地球的重力偏心進行了計算分析,求出了偏心值。
- Single harmonic distortion can show as below 欲表示某單一諧波之污染量,則可採用
- An extension form of Liouville's theorem about analytic functions for general harmonic functions is proved. 證明複變函數中的劉維爾定理在調和函數中的一種推廣。
- Space of Harmonic Function on Manifolds 流形上的調和函數空間
- Study on Visualization of Spheric Harmonic Function 球諧函數的可視化研究
- biaxial spherical harmonic function 雙軸球面低函數
- A recursive fast Fourier transform of single harmonic component 一種遞推式單次諧波快速傅立葉演算法
- scalar spherical surface harmonic function 標量球函數
- hyperbolic and harmonic function 雙曲調和函數
- Superior at approximating high frequency lighting than spherical harmonics function,wavelets have been increasingly adopted in PRT based global light rendering algorithm. 由於小波相比球面諧波函數能夠更好地表現許多高頻光照細節,哈爾小波被越來越多地被應用在許多基於PRT的全局光照渲染演算法中。
- The letter was written on a single sheet of paper. 這封信只用一張紙寫成。
- The solution of the Earth elastic dynamical equations can be also referred to some relations of complex vector spherical harmonic functions to the elastic strain tensor in spherical coordinates. 同時還研究了在球坐標系下彈性應變張量與複數矢量球函數的一些關係,為地球彈性動力學方程的解算提供參考。
- One single, second class, to winchester, please. 買一張去溫撤斯特單程二等票。
- He got over the stream with a single leap. 他一躍就跳過了小溪。
- The bridge crosses the river in a single span. 河上那座橋是單跨橋。
- On Listening And Distinguishing Of The Harmonic Function 論和聲的功能聽辨
- Do you want a single or a return ticket? 你要單程票還是往返票?
- Is the material single width or double width? 這幅料子是單幅的還是雙幅的?