- He was sincerely convinced of his own merit. 他真心誠意地相信自己的優點。
- His glib tongue made every one who was present sincerely convinced. 他的伶牙利齒把在座的人都說得心服口服。
- Only the law that can convulse people』s heart can make them sincerely convinced. 本站刊載此文不代表同意其說法或描述,僅為提供更多信息。
- Regarding team's eldest child, so long as you can achieve let him be sincerely convinced, can become the model, he meets would rather to lead a horse for you to entrain ascends. 對於球隊的老大,只要你能夠做到讓他心服口服,能夠成為表率,他會情願為你牽馬拽登。
- On the other hand, the forcible law's public image has direct impact on the effect of the law's execution.Only the law that can convulse people's heart can make them sincerely convinced. 就強制性的法律來說,法律的公眾形象關係到司法、執法的社會效果,具有強烈的心靈震撼作用的法律才能使法律面對的對象心服口服。
- Although looked that seemed to be shirks loses the game suspicion of the responsibility, but must see that he is not sincerely convinced, to a certain extent has reflected competition's process. 儘管看似有推卸輸球責任之嫌,但也須看到,他的不心服口服,在某種程度上反映了比賽的過程。
- I am quite convinced of her experience in it. 我很相信她在這方面的經驗。
- I was convinced by his potent arguments. 他那有力的論據把我說服了。
- He convinced me of his sincerity. 他使我確信他的真誠。
- Careful observation convinced them that is was so. 仔細的觀察使他們相信情況是這樣的。
- I sincerely hope you'll come with us. 我真誠希望你和我們一起去。
- She's a convinced Marxist, Buddhist, etc. 她是堅定的馬克思主義者、 佛教徒等。
- He convinced me of his innocence. 他使我相信他是無辜的。
- I am utterly convinced of your loyalty. 我完全相信你的忠誠。
- I was convinced that he knew the truth. 我確信他知道事實。
- The story convinced everyone of his innocence. 這一番話使大家確信他是無辜的。
- What convinced you to vote for them? 究竟是什麽使得你願意投他們的票?
- She convinced me that Paul was, beyond doubt, innocent. 她使我深信,保羅確實是清白無辜的。
- I sincerely hope we transaction can be concluded. 我真誠地希望能做成一筆買賣。
- They are convinced of the singularity of their good taste. 他們確信自己的品味高雅非凡。