- Rollover The process of repaying one bill by issuing another bill for a similar term. 展期 通過發行類似期限的新票據來償還舊票據。
- In many regulatory areas, the sanction the witness fears may be labeled a "civil penalty," a "forfeiture," or some similar term rather than a crime. 在許多管理領域,證人擔憂的制裁可能被冠以"民事處罰"、"罰款"或一些類似的詞語而不是犯罪。
- In many regulatory areas, the sanction the witness fears may be labeled a "civil penalty," a " forfeiture ," or some similar term rather than a crime. 在許多管理領域,證人擔憂的制裁可能被冠以"民事處罰"、"罰款"或一些類似的詞語而不是犯罪。
- People all over the world describe falling in love in similar terms: euphoria, exhilaration, elation. 全世界墜入愛河的人們都經歷相似的狀態:有欣快感,極度興奮,超常的快樂。
- Microbiological species or strains are sometimes described in similar terms of resolving into more than one component. 微生物種類或菌種如果可以分解為不只一個組分時,用同樣的術語來描述。
- Even in those critical tradition and the liberation of women as their bounden duty of Marxists, are quite similar terms. 縱然是在那些以批判傳統和解放女性為天職的馬克思主義者當中,也不乏類似用語。
- Reinvest at Maturity An option, where fixed deposits are reinvested at similar terms without needing to complete additional application forms. 到期轉存:不需要再填申請表就可以以類似條款繼續投資的選擇權。
- Establish rapport by relating to each interviewer. Note the terms used by each interviewer and, when appropriate, use similar terms. 和每個採訪者的關係都要搞好。注意每個採訪者的措詞,適當的時候,用一樣的措詞。
- Reinvest at MaturityAn option, where fixed deposits are reinvested at similar terms without needing to complete additional application forms. 到期轉存不需要再填申請表就可以以類似條款繼續投資的選擇權。
- In the short term, the medicine may not be very effective. 從眼前來看,這葯可能療效不是很大。
- The autumn or winter term start in September. 秋季或冬季學期九月份開始。
- Are there any exams at the end of this term? 這個學期期末有考試嗎?
- The second term commences in March. 第二學期自三月開始。
- For a two order polynomial kernel function based support vector classifier,the classifying function can be written in the form of the vector's components with the similar terms combined. 二階多項式核函數支持向量機分類決策函數可以表示為待分類向量各分量的形式,其中的同類項可以合併,同類項的係數在得到支持向量后可以計算得出。
- We must aim for world peace in the long term. 我們要爭取持久的世界和平。
- He tells us in no uncertain term not to come again. 他直截了當地告訴我們不要再來了。
- Popular during the bubble, these securitizations lack attributes, like large pools of loans with similar terms, to create strong demand in saner times, says Joseph Mason of Louisiana State University. 路易斯安那州立大學的梅森(JosephMason)說,這些證券化產品在泡沫時期很受歡迎,但在更為清醒的時期,它們像具有類似條款的大量貸款一樣,缺乏激發強勁需求的屬性。
- He talked about it in a similar way. 他對此事有相似的說法。
- He selected an extensive reading course this term. 這個學期他選修了泛讀課程。
- We hope to make great profit in the long term. 我們希望長期獲利。