- The seventh sign of the zodiac in astrology. 天秤宮天文學中黃道上的第七宮
- The sixth sign of the zodiac in astrology. 室女宮天文學上的黃首宮的第六宮
- The third sign of the zodiac in astrology. 雙子宮天文學上的黃道第三宮
- The11th sign of the zodiac in astrology. 寶瓶宮占星術黃道帶黃道十二宮的第11宮
- The12th sign of the zodiac in astrology. 雙魚宮黃道占星術中十二宮中的第十二宮
- Which sign of the zodiac were you born in under? 你是在黃道帶哪一宮下生的?[是那個星座的?
- Which sign of the zodiac are you? 你屬於哪個星座?黃道十二宮?
- The eighth sign of the zodiac in astrology. 天蠍座:黃道十二宮的第八宮。
- The fourth sign of the zodiac in astrology. 世蟹宮占星術中黃道的第四宮
- The first sign of the zodiac in astrology. 占星學中第一官
- There is no sign of a let-up in the hijack crisis. 綁架危機毫無緩和跡象。
- The tenth sign of the zodiac in astrology. 摩羯宮占星術中的第十宮
- What sign of the zodiac were you born under? 你是屬什麼星座的
- Dark clouds are a sign of rain or snow. 烏雲是雨或雪將至的預兆。
- It's the zodiac sign of someone's closest ancestor. 最接近祖先的黃道星座。
- He wore crape as a sign of mourning. 他戴著黑紗表示哀悼。
- There's no sign of him mending his ways. 看不出他有改進生活方式的跡象。
- The rising level of crime is a sign of the times. 犯罪率增高是這一時代的特徵。
- What sign of the Chinese zodiac are you? 你屬什麼?
- He removed his hat as a sign of reverence. 他脫下帽子表示敬意。