- What happened tonight on Menez』s goal was just one episode. 梅內茲的進球只是偶然事件罷了。
- One has to show one's pass at the door. 任何人必須在門口出示自己的通行證。
- In one episode, she battles her pimples with Clinique』s skin care cosmetics. 劇中的一個場景是蘇菲用倩碧護膚化妝品戰勝青春痘。
- Up to 75% of women report having had at least one episode of candidiasis. 據報道約75%25的婦女感染過至少一次假絲酵母菌病。
- You're gonna show one of those tourists such a good time. 會有某個旅遊者因為和你共渡美好的時光。
- Eyes looking sideways can show one's coldness and superciliousness. 眼睛旁顧,態度冷淡,目空一切的眼神。
- There was one episode, in particular, that held the house from floor to ceiling. 特別是有一個情景,緊扣全場觀眾的心弦。
- The survey defined considering suicide as having at least one episode of suicidal thinking at some point. 這項調查將「考慮自殺」定義為,在某些情況下至少產生過一次自殺的想法。
- And, despite the "odds" out there, it IS possible to get HIV from only ONE episode of unprotected hetero sex. 而且,儘管幾率很低,但是一次無保護的異性性行為是有可能導致感染的。
- Make amends for, it means to pay for or show one is sorry for some damage. 賠償;補償,賠不是的意思。
- Atypical chest pain tends to be stabbing or burning and is often quite variable in position and intensity from one episode to another. 非典型性胸痛多呈刺痛或灼痛樣,每次發作之間的疼痛部位與程度變化通常都很大。
- Listing 3 shows one such sample test file. 清單3顯示了一個示例測試文件。
- Just follow one episode and you'd get a feeling of who is buying votes in bulk and who is getting a nudge from the producer. 其實只要你看上一個單元的節目,你就能感覺得到誰用錢買了選票,誰接受了製作人的「幫助」。
- It shows one sheath around the vascular bundles. 它顯示出在維管束周圍的鞘狀構造。
- He showed one of the leaflets to Xiao Li. 他拿了一張傳單給小李看。
- When cell phones were confiscated in one episode, Blair (well, Dorota) came to the rescue with a gaggle of bubblegum pink cell phones. 不知名手機 某集手機被充公之後Blair用一款泡泡糖似的粉紅手機救駕。
- That Turk shows one hair on his ass, he's dead. 那土耳其人敢露出一根汗毛就掛了。
- Dad is showing one of diabolo tricks. 空竹技巧之一:上竿。
- The authors defined seere hypoglycemia as at least one episode of loss of consciousness or oernight hospitalization in a 1-year period before the examination phase. 作者們定義嚴重的低血糖為:至少一次意識喪失發作或在檢查時期之前的1年內1天以上的住院治療。
- In one episode, an evil character threatens to bring about an eruption of Mount Fuji that would make Tokyo unbearably hot and spark global climate change. 在其中一集,一個惡魔威脅要讓富士山噴發,將東京葬送在火海中,並以此改變全球氣候。