- It is accepted / standard practice to pay a deposit with one' s order. 在預訂時交付定金是一般的[普遍遵守的]慣例.
- He paid his subscription by banker 's order . 他用本票支付那筆訂購款。
- He complied with the doctor 's order that he take a rest. 他聽從了要他休息的醫囑。
- BILLS OF LADING /AIR WAYBILL CONSIGNED TO SHIPPER'S ORDER ENDORSED IN BLANK. 文章作者:外貿教父文章來源:外貿知識網更新時間:2007-12-109:53:36進入論壇
- He executed the captain 's orders. 他執行船長的命令。
- "Somebody has been playing the fool with this rope," shouted one of them. 「纜繩被誰搞了鬼,」有個人在嚷。
- The goods will be dispatch without delay and we hope that today 's order will be follow by many more . 貨物將如期發運,希望貴方今後將有更多的訂貨。
- When the cloud remained over the tabernacle a long time, the Israelites obeyed the Lord 's order and did not set out. 雲彩在帳幕上停留許多日子,以色列人就守耶和華所吩咐的不起行。
- One had to shout to be heard above the tumult. 聲音嘈雜,得大喊大叫別人才聽得見。
- Carrying Fireman's outfits, B.A....etc. to fired area & fighting the fire per C/O's order. 攜消防衣;呼吸器...等滅火裝備至火場並依大副指示滅火
- He said he was trying to the reach the factory, which has no Web site, to fill a Croatian company』s order. 他說,他試圖以達到工廠,其中有沒有網站,以填補克羅埃西亞公司的命令。
- Shouts one private,while others strip ammunition and weapons off dying comrades. 一個士兵問道,其餘的士兵正從臨死的戰友身上扒下裝備和武器。
- This contract will aoto-terminated if Part B's order less than 2500 sets within 30days since to take effect. 乙方每2個月將有質量問題的貨件返還甲方,甲方確定退回產品有質量問題后將替換品隨乙方下一批訂貨發出。
- HHI's Order no, Scope of supply, Quantity with unit, Unit price, Amount, Delivery terms, Etc. HHI的訂單號,供應範圍,數量(帶單位),單價,總額,交付期等
- She exhaust the field has shouted one sound in Sidi: "Birthday , my block of wood not having mother be happy "! 她竭斯底里地喊了一聲:「沒有媽媽的生日,我不快樂!」
- Having checked that it was Tu Wei-yueh on the other end, he shouted one peremptorysentence into the receiver: "The factory closes down tomorrow! 他問明了是屠維岳時,就只厲聲吩咐一句:「明天全廠停工!
- A person who claimed to be a receptionist of the company told Chinese News that Mr.Deng is out of country and that she is not aware of the OSC's order. 一位稱公司接線生的女士告訴大中報,鄧目前不在加拿大,她也沒有聽說過證監會的命令。
- A ragged shout went up from the small crowd. 這一小群人發出了刺耳的喊叫。
- The assembly was in confusion: Some were shouting one thing, some another. Most of the people did not even know why they were there. 聚集的人紛紛亂亂,有喊叫這個的,有喊叫那個的,大半不知道是為什麽聚集。
- All consignments - delivery notes, invoices, etc. - are to be clearly marked with ABC's order and position numbers,ABC's part numbers and the quantity. 所有交單,發票等等,都必須清楚地印有ABC公司的訂單,位置號碼,ABC的配件號和數量??