- A short leg "boot" cast is used to suspend the lower leg. 用小腿上打短的「靴狀」管型來懸吊小腿。
- His short legs hardly able to keep pace. 他們的腿太短很難跟上步伐。
- Pigs have short legs and big ears. 豬有短短的腿和大大的耳朵。
- It has long arms and short legs. 它胳膊長腿短。
- But the pony simply has very short legs. 結果卻是小馬只是腿短而已。
- Toad have shorter leg and is generally more clumsy than frog. 蟾蜍比青蛙腳短,一般說來沒有青蛙靈活。
- One of a breed of small hounds having short legs, drooping ears, and a smooth coat with white, black, and tan markings. 畢爾格獵犬一種小型獵犬,短腿、耳朵下垂且平滑的皮毛上帶有白色、黑色和褐色斑紋
- Toads have shorter legs and are generally more clumsy than frogs. 蟾蜍比青蛙腳短,一般說來沒有青蛙靈活。
- His short legs were not in proportion to his long body. 他的短腿和他的身長不成比例。
- It had long hair, short legs, no tail and a very wet nose. 這狗有著長長的毛,短短的腿,沒有尾巴而且鼻子潮濕。
- Scottish breed of terrier with shaggy hair and long low body with short legs. 蘇格蘭品種的獵狗,毛髮粗糙,身體長而矮,腿短。
- The thesis sums up the feasibility and advantages of the finite element which is applied into the plain-plate to the structures of short leg walls and calculated with the compute program complier by Matlab. 將平板殼單元應用於短肢剪力牆結構,用Matlab語言編製相關的計算程序進行計算,總結了此有限單元在計算短肢剪力牆結構中的可行性及優越性。
- An abductor crosses the bridge, high that wood just in time is patchy his short leg, because this goes smooth, praise say: "In the world is built best with respect to this several bridges. 有個拐子過橋,高的那根木頭正好湊合著他的短腿,因此走起來平穩,就稱讚說:「天底下就數這座橋造得最好。」
- Both the body table and leg table are movable lockable 身床底座與腿床均可移動或鎖定
- Being a scenting dog with short legs, it holds its nose low to the ground. 作為一種短腿追蹤獵犬,必須保持鼻子始終貼近地面。
- Because of its short legs, the peko-peko cannot walk as gracefully as it flies. 由於牠的腳很短,皮可皮可走起路來不像牠飛行時那麽優雅。
- Lies have short legs. 謊言總是站不住腳的。
- Your work falls short of my expectations. 你的工作未達到我的期望。
- Triangular routes which conform to the FAI definition (the shortest leg of the triangle must be at least 28% of the total triangle) will be scored with factor 2 per kilometre. 距離公里數計算是按照從起點到終點,超過至少3個轉彎點,在此情況下每公里1.;5分。
- Our escape was little short of miraculous. 我們能逃脫簡直是個奇迹。