- Captain Smith was seconded for service on the General 's staff . 史密斯上尉奉命調到將軍的參謀部工作。
- UEFA's staff and officials personify UEFA in public by their high standards and by their conduct. 歐足聯的工作人員和官員人格化,在歐足聯公布的高水準,並為他們的行為。
- Ms.Naderi』s organization has even taken the bold step of helping several clients find new husbands, carefully vetted by the shelter』s staff. 甚至納德瑞女士組織還直接幫一些受虐待婦女找到新任丈夫,但新任丈夫要經過避難所全體人員仔細審核。
- I joined the election because I learned about the CCM Secretary's call for joining the election through CHAIN's staff and Dr. Wan's Mail listserv. 我參加了(4月27日)的選舉,我叢CHAIN的一個員工那裡以及萬延海的郵件組中得到了關於CCM秘書處號召參加選舉的通知;
- RTHK's staff union has expressed concern over the appointment of an administrative officer, Gracie Foo, as the new deputy head of the broadcaster. 港台節目製作人員工會主席麥麗貞,對於政府委任政務官傅小慧為副廣播處長,表示保留。
- The Nordic nation's serious attitude and professionalism has become the excellence model for Snowbird』s staff to follow. 北歐民族的嚴謹態度和敬業精神為雪鳥員工樹立起優秀的工作典範。
- Job Responsibilities:- Coaching/training the department『s staff so that department『s target can be achieved;Cont...... ... 公司名稱:北京西門子西伯樂斯電子有限公司工作地點:北京市發布時間:2009-6-13
- The green "y" stands for the tidal current , which the human being esteems for the natural medicine.The flying eagle indicates the courage of YIER's staff . 綠色的"y"代表人類回歸自然、崇尚天然藥物的潮流,展翅狀的雄鷹象徵著益爾人秉承團結向上的精神和追求創新有為的企業新理念。
- TheExecutive<|>s staff, approximately 4000, include inspectors, policy advisers, technologists andscientific and medical experts collectively known as HSE. 安全衛生局的員工有約4000人,包括監察員、政策諮詢師、科技人員、醫學專家等。
- Every JM's staff gets involved in the activity and plays an active role. The activity embodies our corporate spirit-confidence, cohesion, cooperation and endeavor. 津美的每一位員工都積极參与到活動中來,貢獻著自己的力量。這個活動非常好的體現了公司的精神--信心,團結,合作,努力。
- The lifeboat went out to a ship in distress. 救生船去救一艘遇險的船隻。
- Conclusion The optimum sample sizes were deduced first for three-stage sampling, the formulate were employed successfully in survey study of China Railway"s staff about theatment cost. 結論本文首次推導出三階段隨機抽樣樣本大小的估計公式,在中國鐵路職工醫療費用的抽樣調查中取得了成功的應用效果。
- The agreement should be signed in the coming weeks, once the institutions representing PPR』s staff have been consulted.This operation will be submitted for approval by the appropriate authorities. 於PPR集團工作團隊確認后,雙方預計在下周簽訂合約,營運權則將在原管理方同意後進行移交。
- The ship steamed into the harbor. 船駛入了港灣。
- When the applicant and so on defrauds insurance money together with the insurance company"s staff, it should be recognized by the theory of "the implementation nature and the core role". 在投保人等與保險公司的工作人員內外勾結共同詐騙保險金行為之定性問題上,應該採取"實行犯性質與核心角色綜合說"進行認定。
- The ship was loaded with cargo fore and aft. 這條船從船頭到船尾裝滿了貨物。
- The researchers have established a customer perceived-value of the evaluation criteria and models in PFS by the questionnaire survey from 19 Sichuan branch of the sale of PFS』s staff in CNPC. 論文還通過對中石油四川銷售19個分公司的加油站員工進行問卷調查,建立了加油站顧客認知價值評價標準和模型。
- MUTO, then a colonel, had joined MATSUI's staff on 10 November 1937, and was with MATSUI during the drive on Nanking and participated in the triumphal entry and occupation of the city. 日軍上校武藤章在1937年11月10月,加入松井石根的幕僚,稍後跟隨松井一起進入南京。
- The ship beat back against a monsoon. 船逆著季風艱難地行駛。
- The ship kept the buoy on her off side. 這條船在浮標的左邊。