- Cofferdams are made by driving metal sheet piling into the Bed to form a watertight fence. 在近代工程中,築圍堰時一般先打下鋼板樁以形成阻水層。
- Methods of detecting the sheet pile quay are described and the detection results are analyzed. 介紹了鋼板樁碼頭的檢測內容和相應的檢測方法 ,並對檢測結果進行了分析。
- The covered type of sheet pile wharf as a new type wharf is still lack of perfect design and construct norms. 遮簾式板碼頭作為新型的碼頭結構型式尚沒有完善的設計與施工規範,原型監測顯得尤為重要。
- Hammer not only the single pile hammer with hard combinations precast concrete plant pipe pile, steel sheet pile, the pile. 該錘不僅可單錘與樁架組合打植混凝土預製管樁、方樁、鋼板樁、灌注樁。
- This paper introduces the construction and quality control of AZ steel sheet pile over water in Gaolan marine patrol base quay. 本文介紹了珠海高欄海巡基地順岸碼頭工程水上施打AZ型鋼板樁的施工情況和質量控制,為同類工程施工提供借鑒。
- The problems in the free and fixed earth support methods for thd design of the anchored sheet pile wall for excavation are briefly discussed. 簡要討論了用於樁錨支護設計的自由端法與固定端法中存在的問題,提出了一種新的設計方法。
- The analysis is made on the design for cantilever sheet pile wall, single anchor(strut) and multiple anchors(struts) pile wall. 詳細分析了基坑設計的具體內容,並對懸臂樁、單錨(支撐)和多錨(支撐)設計進行了合理分析。
- The mechanism and response characteristics of the sheet-pile groin under the impact of bore in Qiantang River has not been solved since the application of the sheet pile. 錢塘江排樁式丁壩在涌潮作用下的受力性狀和響應特性一直是工程界比較關注的問題。
- In this article,author introducs the rationality of selecting Larssen steel sheet pile support in constructing underpass,elaborates the method of design and construction. 本文介紹了地下通道施工中選擇拉森鋼板樁支護的合理性,並對其設計方法和施工措施進行詳細闡述,為今後類似工程施工提供參考。
- Sixteen sheet pile docks in China arc analyzed by using the virtual simply-supported beam method.The results are almost equal to those obtained using the software ANSYS. 應用擬簡支梁法對我國板樁碼頭進行結構計算的結果,與通用有限元計算軟體ANSYS的計算結果十分接近。
- Construction of footings in water by sheet pile cofferdam method and pumping water from within the dam to settling ponds before returning it to the watercourse. 施工的腳在水中鋼板樁圍堰施工方法及抽水,從山峽大壩至沉降池,然後再返回到水道。
- This large-scale project will involve 37,000 tonnes of steel sheet piling, 10,000 tonnes of reinforcing steel, 60,000 cubic metres of concrete and ten million cubic metres of sand. 這項大規模的工程項目使用了37000噸的鋼板樁、10000噸的鋼筋、60000立方米的混凝土以及1千萬立方米的沙子。
- In order to study soil-structure interaction behavior, the finite element analysis for the strip footing subjected to both vertical and lateral loads, and foundation layer reinforced with sheet pile are considered. 為研究土體-構造物的共同作用性能,利用鋼板樁加強的地基基礎進行了有限元分析。
- Thorough exploration on the open architecture of Auto CAD and by using the developing tools provided by ACAD, a versatile and practical computer aided design system was developed for plan and design of pier on sheet pile. 對 Auto CAD(ACAD)的開放式體系結構進行深入探索 ,利用 ACAD提供的開發工具 ,結合板樁碼頭專業設計的特點 ,研究開發了一套多功能、實用的計算機輔助設計系統
- I have a huge pile of letters to deal with. 我有一大堆信件要處理。
- Described are features and functions of Ingersoll-rand cluste down the hole hammers and programs of construction three diaphragm walls ofdifferent structures using them, with emphasis on he sheet pile diaphragm wall construction procedure. 介紹了英格素蘭公司的集束式潛孔錘的特點及性能,用集束潛孔錘施工3種不同結構連續牆的程序,著重介紹了鋼板連續牆施工工序。
- Sheet-pile quay is adopted in the back of the dock to avoid the bad effect of landside area of high fill soil. The foundation of sheet pile is affected largely by negative friction. 碼頭後方採用板樁承台駁岸,以阻絕陸域高填土對碼頭的不利影響,而板樁承台基樁受到較大的負摩擦影響。
- Apart from this we produce and sell sheet pilings, decking, poles (up to 16 meters), etc. 此外,我方還生產和銷售打板樁、地板、竿柱(長度可達16米)等。
- She's been piling up money ever since she got the job. 自從得了那份工作以來,她一直在攢錢。
- Works included installation of concrete piles and steel sheet piles, excavation and installation of steel shoring. 工程包括全個污水廠的打樁、打閘板、挖泥、設計及安裝擋土措施。