- Difficulties in Decreasing State-owned Share Holding? 國有股減持有多難?
- Participate employees share holding program and enjoy bonus from the program. 加入員工分紅入股計劃,享受分紅;
- In Japan, banks are usually the nexus of cross share holding entity known as zaibatsu. 在日本,銀行通常是交叉聯結持有股份的實體,被稱為財閥。
- Both sides to define contents such as, share holding, investment mode, intents etc. 雙方進行最終定項(如合同協議,股份分配,投資方式,意向等),然後簽訂合同;
- Origally as a subordinative company of Suzhou CITS group, Suzhou CITS Travel &Air Service Co., Ltd. has now become a share holding company. 蘇州國旅航空旅遊服務有限公司原為蘇州國旅集團下屬公司,現為股份制企業。
- Financial management,general audit,benefits analysis,reconstruction of share holding company,design of list company,forcast of economic benefits etc. 財務管理、會計審計、效益分析股份制企業改組、上市策劃、資產重組、經濟效益預測等。
- In China and Hong Kong TRUMPF SiberHegner Ltd. is a joint venture between TRUMPF Group and SiberHegner, while TRUMPF has a majority of the share holding. 在中國和香港,通快華嘉有限公司是通快集團與華嘉公司共同投資建立的合資公司,通快集團占多數股份。
- Data of limited-liability companies in 1998 actually refers to share holding enterprises, which includes share holding ltd. companies and limited-liability companies. 本表有限責任公司1998年數據實為股份制企業數據,即包括股份有限公司和有限責任公司。
- As a state authorized investment proprietary group, Sinopec Group Company now has hundreds of subsidiaries of whole capital, propriety, share holding and divisions. 中國石化作為國家授權投資的控股集團,現有全資子公司、控股和參股子公司、分公司等逾百家,投資管理層次間存在多重委託代理或授權經營關係。
- With the development of reformation in educational system and the introduction of share holding system in enterprises, the traditional model of school-enterprise cooperation meets new challenges. 隨著教育體制改革的不斷深入,隨著企業進行股份制改造的進行,傳統的校企合作模式受到了挑戰。
- Now I have a chance to buy seventy shares held by Rossiter's widow. 現在我有一個機會,可以把羅西脫的寡婦那七十股去買過來。
- A stock is a certificate issued by the company to certify the share held by a shareholder. 股票是公司簽發的證明股東所持股份的憑證。
- She has a 40% holding (ie share) in the company. 她有公司的40%25股份。
- According to the agreement, Bank of China will share holdings to 70%, HFM will also be renamed. 按照協議,中國銀行將增持股份至70%25,屆時HFM也將更名。
- Alpine also announced that Rakuten will sell the shares held by TBS. 高山同時宣布,將拋售樂天持有的TBS的股票。
- He rescued a drowning child holding on to a plank. 他救起了一個緊緊抓住一塊木板的溺水的孩子。
- The company hopes to boost its market share. 該公司希望增加其市場份額。
- In this paper, we study on the links between the type of real controller as well as first shareholders』 shares hold and overinvestment. 具體地,本文考察了最終控制人類型和第一大股東持股比例對上市公司過度投資的影響。
- The men are still holding out for more pay. 那些人仍然堅持非增加工資不可。
- Every one must have his share of the ups and downs. 每個人都有得意時和失意時。