- 中國館佔地1000平方米。The Chinese Pavilion occupied a floor space of1000 square metres.
- 您要提1000美元。You want to withdraw one thousand U.S. dollars.
- 最多要1000元。It will cost you 1000 yuan at most.
- 這村子海拔1000米。The village is 1,000 meters above sea level.
- 1000公斤為一噸。One thousand kilograms make a ton.
- 這兩項開支合計1000元。The cost of the two items amounts to 1,000 yuan.
- 這個銀行家擁有1000股。The banker latched onto a thousand shares of stock.
- 印刷廠印出1000份報紙。The print shop ran off a thousand copies of the newspaper.
- 這種樹我們種了1000畝。We have planted1000 mu of land to these trees.
- AP-1000AP-1000
- 海拔1000米1000 metres above sea-level
- 我想掌握1000張選票I want to sew up 1000 votes.
- KV-1000KV-1000
- 現在的地形起伏超過1000呎是削蝕的作用造成的。The present relief of more than 1000 ft was due to excavation.
- 大同市1000例長途卡車司機艾滋病知識、態度、行為調查KAP about AIDS prevention of long-distance truckers in Datong city, a survey of 1000 cases
- 我們可接受的最好價格是每噸1000美元。The best price we can accept is us%241000 per ton.
- 人口:1000 萬population: 10m
- EAS-1000EAS-1000
- 我們需要1000名臨時演員拍攝橫渡紅海的一場戲。We need 1000 extras for the big scene when they cross the Red Sea.
- 我想在賬戶上存1000塊錢。I want to deposit 1000 yuan in my account.