- A writing pen made from the shaft of a feather. 羽毛筆一種由羽毛的羽干製成的書寫筆
- A slot for a key in the hub or shaft of a wheel. 鍵槽輪子的轂或軸里的鍵的溝槽
- Flexibility, as in the shaft of a golf club. 彈性,韌性柔韌性,易變性,如高爾夫球棒的柄
- The spirally threaded shaft of a worm gear. 螺紋蝸輪的刻有螺旋線的柄
- This is the shaft of a steam engine. 這是一個蒸汽機主軸。
- The hollow stemlike main shaft of a feather. 翎管羽毛的中空的莖狀羽干
- Adjusting the tilt of a writing table. 調整書桌的傾斜面
- The barbs on each side of the shaft of a bird's feather; a vane. 羽瓣鳥的羽干兩側的羽支;羽片
- Scenario n. A written outline of a film, play, etc. 電影劇本;劇本提綱。
- The shaft of a players club broke during his downswing. 一名球員球杆的桿身在向下揮杆的時候折斷了。
- The cake we made was somewhat of a failure. 我們做的蛋糕不大成功。
- The subject matter of a written work,such as a book or magazine. 內容文字作品的主題內容,如著作或雜誌。
- The hatch was opened,admitting a shaft of daylight. 艙蓋打開了,一道陽光照了進來。
- An arm of a tablet-armed chair; widened to provide a writing surface. 寫字椅的椅臂;闊出扶手以用來作書寫的平面。
- A shaft of moonlight fell on the lake. 一束月光照在湖面上。
- The subject matter of a written work, such as a book or magazine. 內容文字作品的主題內容,如著作或雜誌
- The artist painted in some very fine lines with the tips of a brush. 畫家用畫筆的尖端繪上了一些極細的線條。
- A long, usually rounded groove incised as a decorative motif on the shaft of a column, for example. 長凹槽一種作為裝飾性圖案刻在柱身上的修長的、通常為環狀的糟
- Will you partake of a drink with us? 和我們一同喝一杯好嗎?
- A long,usually rounded groove incised as a decorative motif on the shaft of a column,for example. 長凹槽一種作為裝飾性圖案刻在柱身上的修長的、通常為環狀的糟