- Eurasian elm often planted as a shade tree. 生長於歐亞的一種榆樹,通常作為綠蔭樹種植。
- Daijiazhulou chic in the shade tree leaves. 別緻的傣家竹樓掩映在綠樹叢中。
- Widely cultivated as a shade tree. 廣泛栽培作為一綠蔭樹。
- Neem tree is mostly grown as a shade tree in a variety of habitats. 苦楝樹通常都是作為棲息地的庭蔭樹。
- I rest under shade trees and dug out areas. 我在樹蔭下休息並掘地。
- Indian tree having fragrant nocturnal white flowers and yielding a reddish wood used for planking; often grown as an ornamental or shade tree. 印度的一種樹,晚間開白色花,有香味,紅色木材做地板之用;常作為裝飾樹或遮蔭樹。
- A tall Eurasian tree (Acer platanoides) having greenish-yellow flowers and drooping fruits with horizontally spreading wings, widely cultivated in North America as a shade tree. 挪威楓樹:高大的歐亞大陸樹種(挪威槭槭樹屬),有黃綠色花朵和帶有水平分佈的翼的果實。廣泛種植於北美,作為納涼的樹木
- We took two afternoons away from the Hill for the bulletins, under an old shade tree on the back lawn of the manor, making trips back to the kitchen to refill our teacups. 我們用兩個下午離開聖岡到外面學宗卷。在莊園后綠草坪的老樹蔭下坐坐,再回廚房注滿茶杯。
- The grass strip,often planted with shade trees,between a sidewalk and a street. 路中草坪在人行道和街道中間通常栽有林蔭樹木的草坪
- Because, unlike large, mechanised plantations, they have retained shade trees. 因為,不象那種大量,商品種植園,他們要保養咖啡樹。
- European moth introduced into North America; a serious pest of shade trees. 引入北美洲的歐洲蛾子;是能遮蔭的樹的嚴重的害蟲。
- Many temples on the mountain, Gadao stele, Qulang Pavilion, shade trees. 山上殿宇林立,碑碣夾道,亭閣曲廊,綠樹掩映。
- She was sitting in the shade of a big olive tree. 她正坐在一棵大橄欖樹的樹蔭下。
- North American deciduous tree (Ulmus americana) having double serrate leaves and winged fruits. It is grown chiefly as an ornamental shade tree but often dies from Dutch elm disease. 美洲榆:一種北美落葉樹(美洲榆),有雙齒葉和雙翼果,主要作為觀賞性濃蔭樹,但常患荷蘭榆樹病而壞死
- The tree gives a pleasant shade. 這棵樹提供了一塊舒適陰涼的地方。
- The larva of either of two moths(Paleacrita vernata or Alsophila pometaria),destructive to fruit and shade trees. 尺蠖兩種蛾(春尺蠖春蟲屬或秋尺蠖林尺蠖屬)的幼蟲之一,對果實和遮陽樹有破害作用。
- Do not cut down the tree that gives you shade. [諺]遮蔭之樹不可砍。
- The grass strip, often planted with shade trees, between a sidewalk and a street. 路中草坪在人行道和街道中間通常栽有林蔭樹木的草坪
- I saw him sitting in the shade of a tree. 我看見他坐在樹蔭下。
- Miao beneath elegant environment is beautiful, dense shade trees, flowers, also known as the Miao Hua Yan. 妙華岩環境十分清幽雅緻,林木蔭密,鳥語花香,又稱妙花岩。