- sex determining reaction 性決定反應
- GSD: Genetic sex determination; ESD: Environmental sex determination. 遺傳性別決定;ESD:環境性別決定。
- The same basic mechanism for sex determination apparently occurs in all fishes and amphibians. 決定性別的基本原理同樣對所有的魚類和兩棲類都適用。
- Some of Vilain's work has helped topple ancient ideas about sex determination that lingered until very recently. 維蘭的某些研究工作,已經顛覆了長期以來有關性別決定的傳統思維。
- Results The SRY, SOX9, WT1, SF1, AMH and DAX1 genes participated in the mammal sex determination. 結果SRY、SOX9、WT1、SF1、AMH及DAX1等基因都參與哺乳動物性別決定。
- The SRY, SOX9, WT1, SF1, AMH and DAX1 genes participated in the mammal sex determination. SRY、SOX9、WT1、SF1、AMH及DAX1等基因都參與哺乳動物性別決定。
- Title: New Advances on Studies of Sex Determination and Sex Identification in Carica papaya L. 關鍵詞:番木瓜;性別鑒定;性別決定;研究進展
- That's because the male Y chromosome comes equipped with a so-called sex determination gene called SRY. 這是因為男性Y染色體自身攜帶了決定雄性性別的基因片段--SRY基因。
- Sex determination of human is complicated, and the difference between two genders is also intricate. 摘要人類的性別決定是一個複雜的問題,性別差異也體現在多個方面。
- Besides,we discussed the sex chromosome and the mechanism of sex determination of Elaphodus cephalophus. 根據現存的幾種核型的分析對毛冠鹿的性染色體及性別決定機製作了初步的探討。
- All these seem to indicate that molecular mechanisms of vertebrate sex determination and differentiation are diversified. 所有這些表明脊椎動物性別決定和分化機制是多樣化的。
- Despite laws banning sex determination tests, female feticide is common in much of India, where families iew boys as being a better asset than girls. 儘管法律禁止性別判定檢測,在印度大部分地區女性墮胎仍很普通,那裡的家族認為男孩比女孩更有價值。
- Conclusion: The present findings can provide some references for sex determination by using maxilla and mandible in archaeology. 結論:本研究得到的結果,可對考古學利用上下頜骨進行性別判斷提供一定的參考。
- It provides therm odynamic data for determining reaction conditions and choosing catalyst. 為確定反應工藝條件及催化劑選擇提供依據。
- A method for determining reaction rate of silvering on copper by differential thermal analysis (DTA) is described. 差熱分析法測量化學沉積銅粉鍍銀反應速度是以化學熱力學的原理為依據的。
- An idiogram of the SC daryotype of silk worm has been constructed from the data of 10 nuclei and the sex determination of silk worm has been discussed. 作者根據10個細胞的測量及分析結果,繪製了家蠶SC組型模式圖,並就家蠶的性決定進行了討論。
- Chemistry also uses calculus in determining reaction rates and radioactive decay. 化學也使用演算在確定反應速率和放射性衰變。
- Study on sex determination in Bombyx mori was carried out for understanding the mechanism of sex determination and applying it in sericulture to bring some economic benefit. 家蠶性別決定研究既具有模式研究的科學意義,又具有重要的產業價值,因而一直是蠶業科學的一個重大課題。
- Fish and amphibian are two key groups during the evolution of vertebrate.Several studies of sex determination of the two types of animals have been carried out recently. 摘要魚類和兩棲類在脊推動物的演化過程中是非常關鍵的兩個類群,人們對於這兩類動物性別決定的研究已經取得了一些進展。
- Sex determination is a complex regulatory process of early embryogenesis.Embryo must make a developmental decision to develop as a male or female during gonadogenesis. 摘要性別決定是一個複雜的發育調控過程,早期胚胎髮育過程中,雌雄二者必居其一的發育選擇是胚胎性腺形成必須的發育決定。