- It require change to the setup menu as show below. 它需對安裝菜單做修改,如下所示。
- She wore a small comb as an ornament. 她佩戴了一把小梳子作為裝飾品。
- The "b" in "comb" is not sounded. comb這個詞里的"b"是不發音的。
- He has an efficient business setup. 他有一個有效的生意機構。
- A comb for separating flax fibers. 梳麻針排用來分開亞麻纖維的梳子
- Let me fix my hair (ie brush and comb it) and I'll be ready. 我梳梳頭,馬上就好。
- This is a nice setup, did you hire an interior decorator? 這個結構很好,你請了室內設計師嗎?
- She was trying to comb some useful things out of the tangle. 她正試圖從那堆亂糟糟的東西里找出些有用之物。
- She swept her hair back with a comb. 她用梳子將頭髮往後梳。
- Don't forget to comb your hair before you go out! 不要忘記臨出門梳梳頭!
- Setup documentation of all SECCO incidents. 建立賽科的事故檔案。
- I shave, brush my teeth, and comb my hair. 我修面,刷牙,梳頭。
- The setup densitometer lamp must be replaced. 設定用濃度計的燈泡必須更換。
- I will comb those knots out of my hair. 我要把頭髮上的那些結子梳理順。
- Your wife will comb your hair for you. 你妻子會痛罵你一頓的。
- The cap of a jester, decorated to resemble the comb of a rooster. 小丑的帽子小丑的帽子,裝飾得像公雞的肉冠
- You can screen savers setup yourself of picture. 還可以自定義屏幕保護圖片
- Keep still while I comb your hair. 我給你梳頭時,請不要動。
- Your database is corrupt, please rerun setup. 您的資料庫已損壞,請重新運行安裝程序。
- I was unwilling to lend her my comb. 我不願把梳子借給她。